Northern Railway Operating Manual

20.12.2019by admin
  1. Indian Railway Operating Manual
  2. Operations Manual Template
  3. Railway Operating Manual

Operation SIG What is operation? Operation is an attempt to simulate prototype operations on member's layouts. There are many ways to achieve this depending on the railroad modelled, the prototype, the era modelled, and the degree of challenge the modeller wishes to accept. DCC has made it possible for a closer simulation of the prototype - no control panels to learn - you drive the train not the layout.


North of the Hawksbury River (NSW) there are a number of layouts that have irregular/regular operating sessions. All of these are 'by invitation only' to control the number of operators at each session. If you are interested in operating on any of these layouts and are a member of the NMRA, contact the layout owner to be added to the list. The layouts at the moment are: - HO - Central Coast - DCC (CVP) - Monthly operating sessions using Car Cards & Waybills - normally the 4th Friday night - Great Falls Sub has 6 operator spots. Contact - HO - Newcastle - DCC (CVP) - Kansas City Subdivision has 6 operater spots.

Monthly operating sessions using Car Cards & Waybills and full CTC panel. Contact - N - Newcastle - (DC) - The Shortland Sub operates monthly and has 8 operator spots. Contact Brisbane Waters Operating Group - DCC (all CVP) - Private Group - Meets monthly at various locations. Colorado & Southern - On3 - Melbourne - DCC(CVP) Monthly operating sessions on the On3 Colorado & Southern layout. At times there are vacancies in the operating group, depending on who’s available, so there might be spots we could provide to other local modellers or visitors looking for AP points.

Contact - HO - Yass - DCC (Lenz) The KVHR has a monthly operating session that normally occurs on the afternoon of the second Saturday each month. KVHR requires a minimum of nine operators to run and can accommodate up to 15.

Positions include yardmasters, mainline drivers, shunters and a hostler. We run to a timetable that normally allows us to complete a virtual 8hrs in about three actual hours.

Contact - OO - Bowral - DC A british layout that operates twice a week. Contact - On30 - Newcastle - DCC (NCE) The Lumber Mountain RR is a 1920/1930 non-common carrier logging line set in the Pacific NW of the US - think Oregon or Washington state. It's main function is to haul logs from the falling area to the logging pond at the sawmill, located at Swamilla.

Indian Railway Operating Manual

There are other operations along the way designed to make things more, um, challenging. Emphasis is on correct operation of the loco and train, rather than follow a car card system. Although I (being the owner) normally retain the role of General Overall Director (G.O.D.) other roles are available - dispatcher, yardmasters (two thereof), engineers-in-training - nobody has graduated to Passed Engineer as yet - plus Brakeman.

Operations are on the third Thursday night of odd numbered months, ie, May July September November January etc. This may be increased if required. Contact - On3 - Adelaide - DCC (CVP) The Eureka Valley Narrow Gauge Railroad (EVNGR) owes its origins to the Nevada County Narrow Gauge - a 3'railroad that serviced some of the gold mining areas of northern California.

Operations Manual Template

Railway operating manual

Railway Operating Manual

Inspiration came from reading Gerald Best's book about the NCNG. The era for my layout is set in the 1930's to early 1940's. The EVNGR is designed to be 'thematic' and does not attempt to copy or emulate any prototype specifically - in structures and scenery, at least. However, locomotives and rolling stock have been built to follow the prototypes of the D&RGW, C&S and the NCNG in most cases. Contact There are a number of others who like to come as observers just to see how an operating session works.

Contact for more information. Any views expressed on this web site are those of the individual providers and may not necessarily be the views of the NMRA, unless specifically stated.