Study Guide Lifespan Development Santrock 13th Edition

04.02.2020by admin

5 Studies of surgically corrected girls and experiments with different animal species in which male hormones are injected into female embryos, reveal that: A) biological factors are the strongest influence on gender role development for human and nonhuman species. B) environmental factors are the strongest influence on gender role development for both human and nonhuman species. C) biological factors play a stronger role in gender role development for humans than for nonhumans. D) for humans, gender role development depends on both biological and environmental influences. 8 In the contemporary view of evolutionary psychology: A) sex-typed features evolved through male competition and led to a reproductive advantage for dominant males.

When I taught this, I had a visiting former student (who is now majoring in Drama Education) coach my students in playing the roles of children affected by pre-natal environmental factors, such as malnutrition, smoking, drug abuse, lead exposure, alcohol, and pesticides. Have each student present a hypothetical case of a baby placed up for adoption and be prepared to discuss any potential problems the child may have that adoptive parents need to be aware of. Then provide students with the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fact and Case Studies student handouts. For homework, have students explore other environmental factors that can affect a developing fetus. Miracle video guide answers.

  1. Study Guide Lifespan Development Santrock 13th Edition Quizzes
  2. Lifespan Development

B) men sought short-term mating strategies because it allowed them to increase their reproductive advantage. C) women devoted more effort to parenting and chose mates who could provide their offspring with resources or protection.

Study Guide Lifespan Development Santrock 13th Edition Quizzes

D) because men competed with other men for access to women, men's evolved dispositions favor violence, competition, and risk-taking. 16 When reviewing research comparing males and females, it is important to keep in mind that: A) even when differences are found, most of the individuals in the groups are virtually identical. B) it is unfair to compare the groups because almost all gender differences are the result of uncontrollable biological factors. C) it is only when statistically significant scores are found that you can conclude there is little overlap between male and female scores. D) even when differences are reported, there is considerable overlap between the sexes.

28 In her research on intimate relationships, Harriet Lerner (1989) has found that: A) many men distance themselves from their partner when the going gets rough, rather than work on the relationship. B) once a person has reached his or her early twenties, it is nearly impossible to learn to move differently in key relationships. C) it is important for women to bring a strong, assertive, independent, authentic self to their relationships. D) the future well-being of the world rests on women improving their relationships and men improving their self-development. 38 Which of the following best reflects societal attitudes toward sex? A) The Ines Beag culture off the coast of Ireland has more permissive attitudes toward sexuality than in the United States. B) The Mangaian culture in the South Sea islands has more restrictive attitudes toward sexuality than in the United States.

C) There is wide variation in attitudes toward sex from one culture to another. D) With only a few exceptions (i.e., cultures that are either extremely permissive or extremely conservative), attitudes toward sexuality are relatively universal. 41 Recent research exploring the biological bases of homosexuality has found: A) homosexuals and heterosexuals have different physiological responses during sexual arousal. B) if male homosexuals are given male sex hormones, their sexual orientation changes. C) exposure of the fetus to hormone levels characteristic of females might cause an individual to become attracted to males. D) an area of the hypothalamus that governs sexual behavior has been found to be twice as large in homosexual males as in heterosexual males.

Lifespan Development - AN ADVANCED LIFESPAN ODYSSEY FOR COUNSELING PROFESSIONALS, 1st Edition, aligns precisely with CACREP standards for counselor training programs at the Master’s level. Rigorous yet accessible to students with a variety of educational backgrounds, this practical new text provides comprehensive descriptions. An Advanced Lifespan Odyssey for Counseling Professionals.