Economic Manual

19.01.2020by admin
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Economic Manual

About ESCAP works to improve the use of statistics for evidence-based decision-making and to develop and disseminate quality statistics for inclusive, sustainable and resilient societies in the ESCAP region. Quality statistics, that is statistics that are relevant, accurate, timely, value for money, accessible to all and free from political interference are the foundation for good governance. They provide our leaders with the evidence they need to make important decisions that affect every aspect of our lives. Questions like: “should interest rates be raised?”, “do we need more doctors?”, “is our environment being damaged?”, “does our society treat everyone fairly?” And they provide individuals with the information they need to contribute to these debates and understand how effective policy decisions have been. To meet its objectives, ESCAP provides analyses of development trends and emerging issues that enhance understanding among decision-makers and members of the public in the region. And together with the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP), ESCAP works with member States to increase their capacity to produce, disseminate and use statistics in accordance with internationally agreed standards. About ESCAP works to improve the use of statistics for evidence-based decision-making and to develop and disseminate quality statistics for inclusive, sustainable and resilient societies in the ESCAP region.

Quality statistics, that is statistics that are relevant, accurate, timely, value for money, accessible to all and free from political interference are the foundation for good governance. They provide our leaders with the evidence they need to make important decisions that affect every aspect of our lives. Questions like: “should interest rates be raised?”, “do we need more doctors?”, “is our environment being damaged?”, “does our society treat everyone fairly?” And they provide individuals with the information they need to contribute to these debates and understand how effective policy decisions have been. To meet its objectives, ESCAP provides analyses of development trends and emerging issues that enhance understanding among decision-makers and members of the public in the region. And together with the Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP), ESCAP works with member States to increase their capacity to produce, disseminate and use statistics in accordance with internationally agreed standards.