First Aid Manual Printable Girl Guides

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GSCM offers a range of courses to help prepare and train you in your role as a Girl Scout Volunteer. Our goal is to provide girls with the best possible program in a safe environment and to provide adult volunteers with the training necessary to ensure excellent programming for our girls and their safety and protection. To do that, we require Girl Scout Leaders and Advisors to complete training within six months of their appointment. When you begin as a volunteer, your Service Unit Manager or Membership and Community Development Specialist will host a welcome session to give you information specific to your geographical area.

For an overview of training program, please read our. Training on Your Schedule Our volunteers lead busy lives and fitting volunteer training into your schedule can be a challenge. Our classroom courses offer the opportunity for hands on activities and sharing with other leaders, but we do realize that not everyone is able to attend, so we offer and are developing alternatives to help you get the training you need at a time that fits your schedule.

GSCM provides a Home Study option for our Girl Scout Daisy, Brownie, Junior and Teen courses. Girl Scouting 101 and Introduction to Girl Scout Leadership are also self-studies you can complete on your own time.

Click on the dropdown menus to learn more about each training course and to see upcoming training dates. Register for Training Please register for training using our. If you prefer, you may continue to register by filling out the and returning it to: Girl Scouts of Central Maryland 4806 Seton Drive Baltimore, MD 21215 Or fax 410.358.9918 When using Online Registration, here are some tips to help you find the courses you are looking for.

After logging in to Online Registration, choose the Activities Tab in the upper left section of the page. This will bring up a drop down menu.

If you’re looking for a listing of all adult trainings, check the box Learning and Training. If you’re looking specifically for First Aid or Outdoor training, you may just select those boxes under the main category of Learning and Training. Only Grade Level and First Aid Training can be further narrowed down by county if you want to see what’s available in a specific area. Once you have the list of trainings, sorting current to future will give you a chronological listing.

Home studies and Girl Scouting 101 will be listed first since they are ongoing throughout the year. Please be sure your current email is on file so you will receive the automatic confirmations. Please note: Registration closes one week before the course. If you have to cancel out of a course, please be sure to notify us as soon as possible so that anyone on a waiting list can be offered the spot. To receive the quickest confirmation, please provide your email address.

You will receive confirmation a week before the class. If a course is full, we will notify you immediately.

You must register for all trainings, including Home Studies. If you are having problems with online registration, please email. Overview: This online training is required for volunteers who are new to the organization, whether they work directly with girls or behind the scenes. This course is a video from GSUSA which provides an overview to the Girl Scout organization, including Girl Scout pathways (various ways that girl and adult members participate).

Resources and support available to volunteers, the Girl Scout Mission, Promise and Law, the benefits to girls of participating in the Cookie program, some basic safety requirements; and an overview of Girl Scout programs for girls. Fee: there is no fee for this course. Format: Video. Please to watch the video. Credit: After viewing the video, to receive credit. Introduction to Girl Scout Leadership. Overview: This self-study course is required for volunteers in leadership roles – Leaders and Co-Leaders.

Information covered will include GSCM Policies, Banking information, Safety information, and Basic Troop Information. The course also includes an exercise on meeting planning. You will need the Journey Books (adult and girl) that you will be using with your troop. Fee: there is no fee for this course. Format: self-study Here are the materials you will need to complete this self-study: Girl Scout Daisy Level Training. Pre Requisite: Girl Scouting 101 and the introduction to Girl Scout Leadership. Overview: Come and learn the Daisy program and gather tools and tips for working with our youngest Girl Scouts.

Learn to work with the program materials, plan meetings, and utilize resources. Become familiar with troop government so that Daisies can learn to make choices and develop team spirit. Find out how to involve other adults in the Daisy program.

Bring: The adult guide and girl books for the Journey you will be working with your troop, the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting for Daisies, and pen/pencil and paper. Fee: there is no fee for this course. Format: In person and online Home Study.

Girl Scout Brownie Level Training. Pre Requisite: Girl Scouting 101 and the introduction to Girl Scout Leadership. Overview: Discover the fun of the Brownie program, using the Journeys, Badges, and other resources. Gain an understanding of what makes a Brownie tick and how to form an effective Girl-Adult Partnership. Bring: The Adult guide and girl handbook for the Journey you will be using with your troop, the Girl Guide to Girl Scouting for Brownies, pen/pencil and paper. Fee: there is no fee for this course.

Format: In person and online Home Study. Pre Requisite: Girl Scouting 101 and the introduction to Girl Scout Leadership. Overview: Learn how to work with the Girl Scout Juniors and how to involve girls in the planning process (Girl-Adult Partnership) so that the troop really belongs to the girls. Discover innovative and interesting ideas for this age level including Journeys, Badges, and the Bronze Award. Bring: The Adult guide and girl handbook for the Journey you will be using with your troop, the Girl Guide to Girl Scouting for Juniors, pen/pencil and paper. Fee: there is no fee for this course.

Format: In person and online Home Study. Pre Requisite: Girl Scouting 101 and the introduction to Girl Scout Leadership. Overview: Teen Girl Scouts Advisor training is for adults who are new to Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, or Ambassadors. The course is designed to explore the transition from leader to advisor and the program resources available to girls in these grade levels. Bring: The appropriate Journey Facilitators Guide and girl handbook and the Girls Guide to Girl Scouting for your grade level. Fee: there is no fee for this course.

Format: In person. Overview: This accelerated course provides information and practice in dealing with breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults, children and infants, identifying and caring for bleeding, sudden illnesses, injuries and preventing disease transmission.

CPR/AED and First Aid Certifications are good for 2 years. Be sure to arrive on time and wear comfortable clothing. You may wish to bring something to kneel on if desired. Bring your lunch if the course runs over lunchtime. This is an adult training, no children please. This course is 4 hours long.

Fee: There is a $40 fee for this course. Note: It is recommended that an adult volunteer not serve as both the troop/group First Aider and the Troop Camper on the same trip. Additional Options: GSCM has a partnership with the American Red Cross which provides for a 20% discount on Red Cross courses.

If you would like to take First Aid/CPR training through them, please before registering for the discount code. You may have individuals in your troop who are already First Aid/CPR trained or are a nurse, physician, paramedic, physician’s assistant or emergency medical personnel who have had advanced training beyond standard first aid and community CPR. If so, they may serve as your First Aider by completing the and provide their certification or licensing.

If you plan to be in an area where EMS access is more than 30 minutes, you will need to have someone certified in Wilderness First Aid. This course is available through the Red Cross and is also part of our partnership. Outdoor 101 – Introduction to the Out of Doors. Pre Requisite: Girl Scouting 101 and Outdoor 101. Overview: This adult training is required when planning to troop/group camp with girls at GSCM or non-GSCM sites with established restrooms and sleeping facilities such as cabins, screened in shelters and platform tent/yurts. This course includes a pre-session online component, a 2 hour pre-planning session and an overnight camp out about a week later that runs from 8:30am the first day to about 11am the next day. All sessions from the same course must be attended.

Participants, in patrols, will plan and shop for meals, learn and practice outdoor skills, outdoor program activities, safety factors, and the how-to’s of facilitating the Girl Scout Leadership Experience through outdoor education. Fee: The fee for this course will be determined in your first planning session to cover the cost of the meals. Note: This training will begin promptly. If you arrive late, admission to the class will be at the discretion of the trainer.

This is an adult training, no children please. Format: In person. Occasionally participants have had trouble viewing the videos in the power point. If you have a problem, you can view the video inserts via these links: (this is close) is closer to how it’s used at camp. Tent Camping. Pre Requisite: Girl Scouting 101, Outdoor 101 and Basic Troop Camping. Overview: This adult training is required when your troop/group will be using tents when camping in the out of doors at GSCM or non-GSCM sites with established restrooms/latrines and fire circles.

When your troop has progressed to camping in tents, this course will provide the information needed to plan for the camping trip, pitch a tent, set up a tent site, and how to strike and store a tent. Please bring: A bag lunch and, if possible, a tent you will be using for your camp trip.

Fee: There is no fee for the course. Note: This training will begin promptly. If you arrive late, admission to the class will be at the discretion of the trainer. This is an adult training, no children please. Format: In person.

First Aid Manual Printable

Camp Training Exemption and Recertification. Camp Training – Exemption In order to take girls on a basic troop camping experience with indoor facilities or established platform tents/yurts at Girl Scouts of Central Maryland, a troop must have a camp qualified adult.

Although we offer this training through GSCM, we understand that some volunteers may have taken training elsewhere so we offer an exemption from our Basic Troop Camp Training. To qualify for this exemption adults must have completed a troop camp training course with another Girl Scout Council or a similar course with another youth serving organization. To take girls on a tent camping experience you must participate in GSCM’s Advanced Camping course. The Camp Exemption form can be found.

Camp Training – Recertification Beginning October 1, 2013, volunteers who completed Basic Troop Camping course or a previous variation need to re-certify every 10 years. Fee: There is no fee for recertification. Format: Online Home Study Note: You must have completed GSCM’s Basic Troop Camping, or its equivalent before registering for recertification. Adult Enrichment Workshops & Webinars.

'Scouting for girls' redirects here. For the band, see. Girlguiding Headquarters London Country United Kingdom Founded 1910 Founder; Membership 553,633 (at 31 December 2013) Chief Guide Valerie Le Vaillant (28 May 2016–9 March 2017) Chief Executive President Patron Affiliation Website Girlguiding is the operating name of The Guide Association, previously named The Girl Guides Association and is the national of the. It is the UK's largest girl-only youth organisation. Girlguiding is a charitable organisation.

Within Girlguiding, participants take on adventurous activities, such as climbing, canoeing, sailing and orienteering and have the opportunity to get involved in camps and international events, including girl-only festivals and overseas development projects. In local groups – called 'units' - girls complete badges and challenges that cover topics from circus skills, stargazing and scientific investigation, to first aid, camping and community action. Each year, the organisation publishes the Girls' Attitudes Survey, which surveys the views of girls and young women on topics such as body image, career aspirations and mental health. Girlguiding is also a campaigning organisation, having supported the No More Page 3 campaign and lobbied the government on sexual harassment in schools, women's political representation and media sexism. Guiding began in the UK in 1910, when, founder of, established a separate organisation for girls.

The Guide Association was a founding member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) in 1928. Girlguiding is supported by around 100,000 volunteers. Girl Guides in camp, 1930 Following the origin of the in 1907 many girls took up Scouting. In 1909, a number of girls appeared at a in Crystal Palace Park, dressed as Girl Scouts and declaring themselves to be 'Girl Scouts' The girls told Robert Baden Powell that they wanted 'to do the same thing as the boys'. Guiding was introduced to respond to the demand. In 1910 formed the Girl Guides and asked his sister to look after the Girl Guides organisation. A few years later Baden-Powell's new wife became involved and, in 1918, was appointed Chief Guide.

The name Guides was chosen from Baden-Powell's military background, 'Guides' had operated in the north-west frontier in India, their main task was to go on hazardous expeditions. These men had particularly influenced Baden-Powell as they continued training minds and body even when off duty. As a result, Baden Powell decided Girl Guides would be a suitable name for the pioneering young women's movement he wished to establish. In 1914 Rosebuds were established for girls aged 8–10, this name was later changed to Brownies.

Two years later in 1916 the first Senior Guide groups were formed, in 1920 these groups became Rangers. 1943 saw the establishment of the Trefoil Guild for members over 21 (now 18) who wished to remain a part of the movement but couldn't remain active with a unit. The section for the youngest members of the association, Rainbows, was introduced in 1987 for girls aged 5–7 (4-7 in Ulster). In 1936 the then Girl Guides Association was one of the founding members of, which was created with the aim of promoting and supporting youth development work across England. Girlguiding has remained a member of NCVYS ever since.

In 1964, a 'Working Party' was established to review and update the whole programme of the association; their 195-page report was published in 1966 under the title. These recommendations were implemented in 1968 and included new uniforms, badges and awards across all the sections of the association. Land, Sea and Air Rangers were merged into a single Ranger section. Programme Girls are organised into sections by age. These are Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and The Senior Section. Rainbow Guides or Rainbows are aged from 5 to 7 year old, except in Northern Ireland where girls can join from age 4. Activities are organised around work the four areas of the Rainbow Jigsaw – Look, Learn, Laugh and Love.

In the UK the girls used to wear a tabard in one of the colours of the Rainbow, now the newer uniform is worn. There is a baseball cap, cycle shorts, hoodie, jogging bottoms, and polo shirt to choose from. Each girl makes a promise on joining a Rainbow unit and must be able to understand and want to make this promise. This Promise is a simpler version of the one all members make. The Rainbow Jigsaw is used in the unit via the Rainbow Roundabout.

The Rainbows themselves choose an activity from one of each of the four Jigsaw areas. These activities are then carried out alongside the normal activities. When all four have been completed the Rainbow is awarded a badge showing the symbols of each of the Jigsaw areas. It is intended that each Rainbow completes 2 Roundabouts in their life as a Rainbow.

Roundabouts have a theme, ones produced so far are Roundabout Festivals, Roundabout the World, Roundabout Rainbows, Roundabout Get Healthy and Roundabout Global Adventure. Rainbows can also receive other badges for activities that they attend (possibly with other units), and other activities they complete within their unit, maybe after a themed half term.

During 2008, a special challenge book Olivia's Favourites was produced to commemorate the 21st Birthday of the section and a badge was produced. At the end of the Rainbow programme, as the girls get ready to move on to the Brownie section, girls undertake the personal Pot of Gold Challenge. Brownie Guides or Brownies are from 7 to 10 years old.

Brownies work from the Brownie Adventure which is divided into three areas: You, Community and World. Brownies can also work towards activity badges covering a variety of subjects. Brownies units are called Packs. Packs are divided into Sixes, small groups of girls who work together.

Sixes are traditionally named after e.g. Gnomes, Leprechauns; however many Packs have adopted the new naming style, woodland animals. Each six has a leader called a 'Sixer' and a 'Second'. The adult leader in charge is usually called Brown Owl. Other leaders are often named after different owls. These two elements are taken from the Brownie Story, in which two children visit the Brown Owl in the wood to learn how they can help doing the housework. It is becoming more common for Leaders to be named after different animals.

Brownies have mix and match clothing based around the colours of yellow and brown. Items include baseball caps, gilets, cycle shorts, hoodies, leggings, long sleeved tops, short sleeved tops, skorts, trousers and a sash. Brownie packs may also wear neckers.

Guides Guides are from 10 to 14 years old. Guides work from the 5 Zones: Healthy Lifestyles, Global Awareness, Skills and Relationships, Celebrating diversity and Discovery. Guides can choose to work on Challenge Badges, Go For Its, Interest badges and the Baden-Powell Challenge which is the highest award that a Guide can gain.

They take part in indoor and outdoor activities that challenge them to do their best. Guides choose and plan most of their own activities, which can include themed evenings and trips. Guide units meet regularly, usually once a week during school terms.

There are often other opportunities for Guides to take part in special activities and events throughout the year. Many Guide units go away on holiday, to camp or on overnight sleepovers. Guides work in small groups between 4 and 8 called a patrol. Patrol names vary between different units but include flowers, like rose and poppy, animals, like panda and parrot and famous landmarks, like pyramids. Each patrol is run by a patrol leader who is assisted by her patrol seconder.

The Patrol Leader can be elected by her patrol, elected by the whole unit or chosen by the leadership team. The Patrol Leader is given extra assistance from the leader team to develop her Leadership skills. Senior Section For girls between 14 and 26 years old, there are a variety of schemes and groups to choose from. Young Leaders work with Rainbows, Brownies or Guides. They can work towards the Young Leadership Qualification or the Adult Leadership scheme as well as other Senior Section opportunities.

Guiders (18+) work with Rainbows, Brownies or Guides in a leadership role and are working on/have completed the Adult Leadership Scheme. meet together to plan and carry out activities, they may work towards any opportunities available to Senior Section members. Member of a Look Wider group: a Senior Section member who has chosen to focus on the Look Wider scheme. Participant: a Senior Section member who has chosen to focus on the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Senior Section member: a Senior Section member who is working on part of The Senior Section programme, but is not part of a standard unit. She may belong to a Lone Unit with other Lone members with support from Leaders who deliver the programme remotely.


Peer Educator: (Previously known as In4mer) anyone who has undergone the Girl Guiding peer education training and continues to run Peer Education sessions. (SSAGO) Member: For members who are studying at higher education (such as a university or college). Female member of LINK. Appointment Holder. Trefoil Guild Member (a separate organisation with their own subscription fee). Innovate – an annual residential event of varying location across the UK which enables Senior Section members an opportunity to voice their concerns and brainstorm new ideas for the future of Girlguiding.

This group choose to wear a hoodie, jacket, polo shirt, rugby shirt, or smart shirt. There is also a baseball cap. Senior Section Awards and Qualifications. Young Leader Qualification. Chief Guide's Challenge.

Commonwealth Award. Residential permits. Adult Leadership Qualification. Uniform The Girlguiding uniform has evolved over the years, from its first design by and his sister: long dresses, neckerchiefs (like the Scouts) and wide hats. The current uniform was launched in August 2014. The previous uniform was designed by in 2000.

There are no compulsory trousers, but girls in guiding wear what is appropriate for the activities. Optional caps, gilets and other accessories can be bought from Girlguiding uniform stockists as well as online.

The gilet is often used to display badges and is a popular uniform choice. Promise All members of Girlguiding make a upon joining. The current promises for each section are: Rainbows. I promise that I will do my best; To be true to myself and develop my beliefs, To serve the Queen and my community, To help other people and To keep the (Brownie) Guide Law. History of the Promise In 1994, the promise was changed from 'To do my duty to God' to 'To love my God', in order to accommodate different faiths, and the word 'God' was allowed to be replaced with a faith's own word for their god (e.g.

Some do not feel they are able to make a promise that mentions god, particularly atheists and this has attracted criticism from the. In 2013 a nationwide consultation of the promise was carried out by Girlguiding. This took the form of a questionnaire with 44,000 respondents being asked for opinions on each line of the promise (not just 'Love my God'), and gave a number of options of different wordings. Effective from 1 September 2013, the words 'to be true to myself and develop my beliefs' replaced 'to love my God', and the words 'to serve the Queen and my community' replaced 'to serve the Queen and my country'.

The rewording has been criticised by some Christian organisations. Brownie Guide Law A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself, and does a good turn every day. Guide Law for Guides, The Senior Section and Leaders. A Guide is honest, reliable and can be trusted. A Guide is helpful and uses her time and abilities wisely. A Guide faces challenges and learns from her experiences. A Guide is a good friend and a sister to all Guides.

A Guide is polite and considerate. A Guide respects all living things and takes care of the world around her.

Administrative Structure in the UK For effective administration of Girlguiding, the UK is split into smaller areas. At the top level there are ten Countries and Regions. The Countries are:. The Regions are:. (known as LaSER). Countries and Regions are split into Counties. These in turn are split into Divisions.

Divisions are split into Districts. In some areas with few members, County, Division or District level may be omitted because effective communication occurs without it. Each area is led by a Commissioner.

Girlguiding outside the United Kingdom Girlguiding is also active outside the. In nine, there are branch associations with slightly different Guiding programmes adapted to the local conditions.

Most of the branch associations use different uniforms or lighter textiles. Branch Associations are active in. –. & dependencies.

More details can be found in The Branch Association Members website. British Royal Family in Guiding Guiding in the UK has had a long association with the, in 1920, daughter of became President of the Association, 1937 saw Princess Elizabeth, who would go on to be become a Guide, and become a Brownie. Princess Elizabeth joined the, whose first meeting was held on 9 June. She became the Second of Kingfisher Patrol, and was enrolled by her Aunt Princess Mary, Association President, on 13 December. At the start of the company was closed, and the Queen and Princess Margaret were attached to a Balmoral Company. In 1942 the Buckingham Palace company reopened at Windsor, the Queen became Patrol Leader of Swallow Patrol. In 1943 the Queen became a Sea Ranger undertaking usual activities including gaining her boating permit and taking out the in a dinghy.

She became Chief Ranger of the British Empire in 1946. When she married two of her bridesmaids were former members of the Buckingham Palace company. In 1952 when she ascended the throne she became the association patron. When Princess Mary died Princess Margaret became the new President in 1965. In turn on the death of Princess Margaret, the, wife to became President in 2003. The highest award in Guiding, the award was created in 1946, this is now presented by the Association President. Centenary celebrations Girlguiding started to celebrate its centenary in September 2009.

The historic maze at Crystal Palace was re-opened on 5 September, remembering the. The Centenary Camp was held from 31 July–7 August 2010. The Lord Nelson made a 100-day voyage around the coast of the UK to celebrate the centenary. The Lord Nelson set sail from Glasgow on 7 June 2010. She has called at Oban, Aberdeen, Newcastle, Boston, London, Chatham, Portsmouth, Falmouth, Milford Haven and Whitehaven. At each port she took on new crew, many of whom had never sailed before.

The Guide Association. Retrieved 8 December 2014. Retrieved 22 May 2017. Girlguiding UK. Retrieved 22 May 2017. Fullarton, Clair (30 September 2016). Retrieved 22 May 2017.

On the Wight. 17 August 2015. Retrieved 22 May 2017. Retrieved 22 May 2017. Petersfield Post. 18 July 2016.

Retrieved 22 May 2017. Wild, James (26 August 2016).

Retrieved 22 May 2017. Worthing Herald. 2 September 2016. Retrieved 22 May 2017. 19 June 2016. Retrieved 22 May 2017. Vincent, David (12 March 2016).

Retrieved 22 May 2017. Hughes, Sam (16 October 2016). Retrieved 22 May 2017. Mason, Vivien (4 May 2016). Cotswold Journal. Retrieved 22 May 2017.

Girlguiding UK. Retrieved 22 May 2017. Topping, Alexandra (3 October 2016). Retrieved 22 May 2017. Barnett, Emma (9 April 2013). Retrieved 22 May 2017.

Burns, Judith (13 September 2016). Retrieved 22 May 2017. Doughty, Steve (9 September 2014). Retrieved 22 May 2017. Retrieved 22 May 2017. World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.

Retrieved 22 May 2017. Wilson, Michaela (15 October 2016). Retrieved 22 May 2017.

Hampton, Janie (2011). How the Girl Guides Won the War. 21 February 2005. Retrieved 22 May 2017.

Summerskill, Ben (30 July 2000). Retrieved 22 May 2017. Girlguiding UK. Archived from on 9 January 2009. Retrieved 22 May 2017. The World Chief Guide. Retrieved 22 May 2017.

National Council for Voluntary Youth Services. Archived from on 12 May 2013. Leslie's Guiding History Site. Retrieved 7 November 2013.

Girlguiding UK. Retrieved 22 May 2017. Student Scout and Guide Organisation. Retrieved 6 September 2016. Girlguiding UK. Archived from on 16 August 2016.

Girlguiding UK. 21 February 2005. Retrieved 13 March 2017.

East Grinstead Courier and Observer. 11 August 2011. Retrieved 22 May 2017 – via This is Sussex. National Secular Society. 12 August 2011.

Basic first aid manual printable

Retrieved 22 May 2017. Girlguiding UK.

Archived from on 8 March 2016. Retrieved 22 May 2017. 20 June 2013. Retrieved 22 May 2017. 21 February 2005.

Retrieved 12 July 2011. 21 February 2005. Retrieved 12 July 2011. Branch Associations.

Retrieved 22 May 2017. Girlguiding UK.

Archived from on 14 January 2014. Retrieved 22 May 2017. Girlguiding UK. Archived from on 18 June 2008.

Jubilee Sailing Trust. Archived from on 20 July 2011. Barwise, Jenny (7 September 2010). Archived from on 22 March 2012. External links Wikimedia Commons has media related to.