Manual Suzuki 2 Hk

14.01.2020by admin
  1. Manual Suzuki 2 Hk Pris
  2. Suzuki 2 Stroke Outboard
  3. Suzuki 2.5 Hp Outboard Motor

Suzuki df2.5-operating-manual-2. 1. DF2.5OWNERS MANUAL ENGLISH 1. FOREWORD TABLE OF CONTENTSThank you for choosing a Suzuki WARNING/CAUTION/NOTE.3outboard motor.

Please read this IMPORTANT NOTICE TO OWNERS.3manual carefully and review it from IDENTIFICATION NUMBERtime to time. It contains important LOCATION.4information on safety, operation, FUEL AND OIL.4and maintenance.

A thorough LOCATION OF SAFETY LABELS.6understanding of the information LOCATION OF PARTS.7presented in this manual will help MOTOR MOUNTING.8you experience safe, enjoyableboating. PROPELLER SELECTION AND INSTALLATION.9All information in this manual is ADJUSTMENT.10based on the latest productinformation available at the time of OPERATION OF TILTINGpublication. Due to improvements SYSTEMS.12or other changes, there may be INSPECTION BEFORE BOATING.14 BREAK-IN.15 OPERATION.16 MOTOR REMOVAL AND TRANSPORTING.21 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE.23 FLUSHING THE WATER PASSAGES.29 SUBMERGED MOTOR.30 STORAGE PROCEDURE.30 AFTER STORAGE.31 TROUBLESHOOTING.32 SPECIFICATIONS.32 2. IMPORTANT! WARNING/CAUTION/NOTEPlease read this manual and follow its instructionscarefully. To emphasize special information, thesymbol! And the words WARNING, CAUTION and influence of alcohol or other drugs.NOTE have special meanings.

Pay special attentionto the messages highlighted by these signal words. Ÿ Practice operating your boat at slow and moderate speeds until you become thor- oughly familiar with the operating and han-! WARNING dling characteristics of your motor/boat combination. Do not operate your outboard! WARNING indicates a potential hazard motor at maximum performance until you are that could result in death or injury. Thoroughly familiar with these characteristics.

Ÿ Be sure that you and your passengers always CAUTION wear life jackets on board. Ÿ When loading your boat, distribute weightCAUTION indicates a potential hazard that could evenly between the bow and stern, and theresult in motor damage. Port and starboard sides. Ÿ Observe periodic maintenance require-ments- NOTE: your authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer is Indicates special information to make trained and equipped to perform this service. Maintenance easier or instructions clearer.

Ÿ Do not modify your outboard motor. Modifi- cations or removal of original equipment may make the motor unsafe. Ÿ Learn and obey the navigation rules of the locality in which you operate your boat.IMPORTANT NOTICE TO Ÿ Make sure you have the necessary emer- gency equipment on board such as a flotationOWNERS device for each passenger, fire extinguisher, signaling devices, anchor, paddles, bilge pump, rope, first-aid kit, tool kit, emergency! WARNING starter rope, flashlight, extra fuel and oil, etc. Ÿ Instruct your passengers about emergencyYou must take precautions to reduce the chance of procedures. Make sure they understand theaccidents and injuries resulting from the use of your basics of how to operate the boat, how to useoutboard motor and boat. Some of the important emergency equipment, and what to do in casesafety precautions you should take are: of trouble.

Ÿ Do not hold onto the motor cover or any other Ÿ Before first use of your outboard motor, read parts of your outboard motor while getting on this owners manual carefully to become fa- or off your boat. Miliar with the outboard motors features, safety Ÿ Check the weather forecast before boating to requirements, and maintenance requirements. Avoid bad weather. Ÿ Before each use of your boat, perform a daily Ÿ Use extreme caution when replacing a part inspection. Specific items to check are listed in on your outboard motor or selecting and the INSPECTION BEFORE BOATING section. Installing accessories.

Use of inappropriate Ÿ Never run the outboard motor indoors or in an or poor quality replacement parts or accesso- enclosed area. Exhaust emissions contain ries can create unsafe operating conditions, poisonous carbon monoxide fumes which can or result in damage to the motor. Suzuki cause unconsciousness and may lead to death. Strongly recommends that you use genuine Ÿ Never operate your boat while under the Suzuki replacement parts and accessories as damage caused by use of parts and ac- cessories other than genuine Suzuki re- placement parts and accessories will not be covered under warranty. 3.

IDENTIFICATION NUMBERLOCATIONThe model and identification numbers of your Gasoline Containing MTBEoutboard motor are stamped on a plate attached Unleaded gasoline containing MTBE (Methylto the clamp bracket. It is important to know these Tertiary Butyl Ether) may be used in your out-numbers when you place a parts order or if your board motor if the MTBE content is not greatermotor is stolen. This oxygenated fuel does not contain alcohol.

Gasoline/Ethanol Blends Blends of unleaded gasoline and ethanol (grain alcohol), also known as gasohol, are commer- cially available in some areas. Gasoline contain- ing a maximum of 10% ethanol may be used in your outboard motor without jeopardizing the New Outboard Motor Limited Warranty. Gasoline/Methanol Blends Blends of unleaded gasoline and methanol (wood alcohol) are also commercially available in some areas. DO NOT USE fuels containing more than 5% methanol under any circumstances. FuelFUEL AND OIL system damage or outboard motor performance problems resulting from the use of such fuels areGASOLINE not the responsibility of Suzuki and may not beSuzuki highly recommends that you use alco- covered under the New Outboard Motor Limitedhol-free unleaded gasoline whenever possible, Warranty. Fuel containing 5% or less methanolwith a minimum octane rating of 91 (Research may be suitable for use in your outboard motor ifmethod). However, blends of unleaded gasoline they contain cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors.and alcohol with equivalent octane content maybe used, provided the guidelines that follow are Pump Labelling for Gasoline/Alcoholmet.

Blends In some states, pumps that dispense gasoline/ alcohol blends are required to be labelled for the CAUTION type and percentage of alcohol content, and whether important additives are present. Such If leaded gasoline is used, engine labels may provide enough information for you to damage may result.

Use only unleaded determine if a particular blend of fuel meets the gasoline. Requirements listed above. In other states, pumps may not be clearly labeled as to the content or type of alcohol and additives. If you are not sure that the fuel you intend to use meets these requirements, check with the service station operator or the fuel suppliers. 4. NOTE: If you are not satisfied with the operation or fuel economy of your outboard motor when ENGINE OIL you are using gasoline/alcohol blends, you Using a premium quality four stroke motor oil will should switch back to unleaded gasoline increase the service life of your motor.

Use only oils containing no alcohol. Be sure that any which are rated SE, SF, SG, SH or SJ under the API gasoline/alcohol blend you use has octane classification system. The viscosity rating should be ratings of at least 91 octane (Research SAE 10W-40. If an SAE 1OW-40 motor oil is not method).

Available, select an alternative according to the chart If engine pinging is experienced, substitute below. Another brand as there are differences CAUTIONBe careful not to spill fuel containing alcohol whilerefuelling. Fuels containing alcohol can causepaint damage, which is not covered underwarranty.! WARNING Gasoline is extremely flammable and toxic. Always observe the following precautions CAUTION when refuelling. The choice of engine oil is major factor affecting engine performance and life. Never permit anyone other than an adult to refill the fuel tank.

To refill the fuel tank, always stop the motor. Do not fill the fuel tank all the way to the top or fuel may overflow when it expands due to GEAR OIL heating by the sun. Be careful not to spill fuel.

If you do, wipe it up immediately. Do not smoke, and keep away from open flames and sparks. Refuel in a well ventilated area. Avoid prolonged contact with skin and CAUTIONAlways use fresh gasoline.

Manual Suzuki 2 Hk Pris

Gasoline kept in thefuel tank for long periods of time will produce Use SUZUKI OUTBOARD MOTOR GEAR OIL, orvarnish and gum, which can damage the engine. An equivalent high quality SAE90 hypoid gear oil.

5. LOCATION OF SAFETY LABELSRead and follow all of the labels on your outboard Keep the labels on your outboard motor or fuel tank.motor or fuel tank. Make sure you understand all of Do not remove them for any reason.the labels. 6.

LOCATION OF PARTS Air-vent screw Starter grip Choke knob Throttle tension adjuster Throttle control grip Combination emergency Fuel cock lever stop switch & normal stop button Shift lever Pilot water hole Clamp screw Anode Water intake hole Gear oil level plug Gear oil drain plug Oil level inspection window Steering tension adjuster 7. MOTOR MOUNTING!

WARNING Center the motor on the transom and secure it by Never overpower your boat. Do not install an alternately tightening the clamp bracket screws by outboard motor that exceeds the maximum hand.

Make sure you accurately center the motor, horsepower listed on the boats 'Certification or the boat will pull to one side during operation. If you are unable to locate the 'Certifi- cation Plate', consult your authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer.Proper transom height is important for good per-formance. A motor mounted on a transom that is toohigh causes the propeller to slip resulting in wastedpower or overheating. A motor mounted on atransom that is too low will increase drag, causingreduced speed. Make sure that when the motor islowered all the way down, the anti-cavitation plateis located 0 -25 mm (0 - 1.0 in) below the bottom of After installing the motor, check to make sure that steering and tilt movement are not obstructed by any part of the boat.

CAUTION The motor may come off if it is held only by the clamp screws. Occasionally check the clamp screws for tightness. Run a sturdy rope or cable through the hole on the clamp bracket and fasten the ends securely to the boat. CAUTION If the anti-cavitation plate is above the water surface, this may induce overheating and the outboard motor will sustain damage. 8. PROPELLER SELECTION PROPELLER INSTALLATIONAND INSTALLATION! WARNINGPROPELLER SELECTION When installing or removing the propeller, beIt is essential to use a propeller on your outboard sure to shift into 'NEUTRAL' and disconnectmotor that is properly matched to your boats the spark plug wires so the motor cantoperating characteristics.

The speed of the accidentally be started. To prevent being cutengine when you operate your boat at full throttle by the propeller blades, wear gloves and placedepends on the propeller you use. A block of wood between the anti-cavitation plate and propeller to hold the propeller in place. CAUTION Installing a propeller with much or too To install a propeller on your outboard motor, little pitch will cause incorrect maximum use the following procedure: engine RPM, which may result in 1. Coat the propeller shaft 1 liberally with severe damage to the motor. Suzuki water resistant grease to help prevent corrosion. Install the shear pin 2 as illustrated.

Slide the propeller 3 onto the shaft. Insert the cotter pin 4 and bend it so that Full throttle 5250 - 5750 the propeller can not come off. Operating range r/min. (min1 ) To remove the propeller, reverse the above procedure. 9. ADJUSTMENTTRIM ANGLE ADJUSTMENTTo help maintain steering stability and good per- 3. Pull the spacer 2 and tilt pin 3 out to the limitformance, always maintain the proper trim angle as on both sides of the swivel bracket.shown in the illustration.

The appropriate trim anglevaries depending on the combination of the boat,engine, and propeller, as well as operatingconditions. Reposition the tilt pin in the desired holes.

Trim angle too small (Boat tends to 'plough') 5. Push the spacer 2 and tilt pin 3 back in and tighten the nut 1. Lower the motor back down.

To lower the bow, move the pin towards the boat. To raise the bow, move the pin away from the boat. STEERING TENSION ADJUSTMENT Trim angle too large (Boat tends to 'porpoise') The steering on your outboard motor should be smooth and not tight. Adjust the steering tension so that there is only a slight resistance to steering movement. To increase the steering tension, turn the steering tension adjuster A clockwise. To decrease the steering tension, turn the steering tension adjuster counterclockwise. Proper trim angleTo adjust the trim angle;1.

Hold the motor in the fully tilted up position.(Refer to the TILT UP LOCK ARM section.)2. Turn the nut 1 counterclockwise. 10.

THROTTLE TENSION ADJUSTMENTThe tension of the throttle control grip can be 3. Take of the starter grip.adjusted according to your preference. To increase 4. Completely remove the motor cover.the tension, turn the throttle tension adjuster A clockwise.

To decrease the tension, turn theadjuster counterclockwise. Install the starter grip holder to the end of rope. Loosen a knot in the rope.IDLE SPEED ADJUSTMENTThe idle speed of your outboard motor has been setby your dealer. If it is necessary to adjust the idlespeed, use the following procedure:The part of motor cover on DF2.5 is used as theholder of recoil starter grip, too.

Idle speed ad-justment is recommended to be made by the Suzukiauthorized dealer. The motor cover can not becompletely removed unless you first remove thestarter grip.


Please refer to the steps mentioned 7. Starter the engine.(Refer to starting the enginebelow. Warm up the engine for about 5 minutes. Slightly remove the motor cover. Tie a knot in the rope inside of the motor cover, in order to prevent the rope binding onto the recoil reel when the starter grip is off. Turn the idle adjustment screw A clockwise OPERATION OF TILTING SYSTEMSto increase idle speed or counterclockwise todecrease idle speed.

TILT UP LOCK ARM The tilt up lock arm is used to hold the motor in the fully tilted up position.! WARNING Before tilting up the motor, be sure to turn the fuel cock lever to the right and tighten the air-vent screw on the fuel filler cap of the built-in tank to prevent fuel from leaking out.10. Stop the engine.11.

Reinstall the motor cover by the oppositesteps of the above 1 to 6. NOTE: If idle speed cannot be set within the specified range, contact your authorized Suzuki Marine Dealer. FULL TILT UP POSITION To hold the motor in the fully raised position:!

WARNING Never place your hands near the mounting bracket or under the motor when tilting, or they could be crushed if the motor slips from your grasp. Shift into 'NEUTRAL'. Turn the motor to the front, to free the re- verse thrust stopper A. Grab the handle on the back of the motor lower To lower the motor back down, pull the motor slightlycover and tilt the motor all the way up until it is toward you, pull up on the till up lock arm 1 andautomatically locked in the fully tilted up position slowly let the motor the tilt up lock arm 1. CAUTION CAUTION Never use the throttle grip handle Never use the throttle grip handle to raise or lower the motor. The to raise or lower the motor.

Suzuki 2 Stroke Outboard

Manual Suzuki 2 Hk

The handle may break. Handle may break. 13. INSPECTION BEFOREBOATING!

Place the motor in a vertical position. For the safety of you and your passengers, 2. Check the engine oil level through the oil level always perform an inspection as described inspection window 1.

Suzuki 2.5 Hp Outboard Motor

Below before you begin boating. The oil should be between the upper and lowerMake sure that you have enough fuel for the Upper limitintended run. Lower limitFuel capacity: 1.0 L (0.26/0.22 US/ NOTE: If the engine oil is contaminated or discoloured, replace with fresh engine oil (Refer to INSPEC- TION AND MAINTENANCE/Engine oil section). Seeing the window 1, add enough oil to raise the level to the upper limit.Check the level of engine oil in the sump.

To add the engine oil: 1. Remove the motor cover by unlocking the CAUTION fasteners 2 and 3. Running the engine with insufficient oil can cause serious engine damage.To check the engine oil level: NOTE: To avoid an incorrect assessment of engine oil level, check the level only when the engine has cooled. Remove the oil filler cap 4. BREAK-IN Proper operation during the break-in period will help ensure maximum life and performance from your engine.

The following guidelines will explain proper break-in procedures. CAUTION Failure to follow the break-in procedures described below can result in severe engine damage. Break-in period: 10 hours3.

Add the recommended engine oil until the oillevel reaches the upper limit. Break-in procedure 1. For the initial 2 hours: Allow sufficient idling time (about 5 minutes) for the engine to warm up after cold engine starting.

CAUTION High rpm without sufficient warm-up may cause severe engine damage such as piston seizure. CAUTION Do not overfill, as excessive oil can damage After warming up, run the engine at idling speed or the engine. The lowest in-gear speed for about 15 minutes. During the remaining 1 hour and 45 minutes, if safe4.

Tighten the oil filler cap securely. Boating conditions permit, operate the engine in gear at less than 1/2 (half) throttle (3000 r/min.).

Visually check the propeller to make sure itis not damaged. Make sure that the motor is securelymounted to the transom. Make sure that the tilt pin is securely in-stalled in the proper position. Make sure the starter rope is free from anyevidence of fraying or wear. Make sure you have the boating safety andemergency equipment on board. 15. NOTE: You may throttle up beyond the OPERATION recommended operating range to plane your boat, then immediately reduce the throttle to BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO START the recommended operating range.

THE ENGINE 1. Make sure the motor has been lowered into the water.2. For the next 1 hour: 2. Twist the air-vent screw on the fuel tank capSafe boating conditions permitting, operate the counterclockwise to open the vent.engine in gear at 4000 r/min.

Or at three-guarterthrottle. Avoid running the engine at full throttle.3.

Remaining 7 hours:Safe boating conditions permitting, operate theengine in gear at the desired engine speed.You may occasionally use full throttle; however donot operate the engine continuously at full throttlefor more than 5 minutes at any time. NOTE: For the remaining 7 hours of break-in operation, you may use full throttle however 3. Turn the fuel cock lever to the left. Do not operate the engine continuously at full throttle for more than 5 minutes at a time or severe engine damage such as seizure may result.

NOTE: When turning the fuel cock lever to the left, fuel can flow from the built-in tank.

MARINE ENGINE OUTBOARD MANUALS OUTBOARD MANUALS INTRODUCTION Outboard manuals are listed at the bottom of the page and describ the service procedures for the complete engine. All chapters in these Suzuki outbaord manuals apply to the whole engine and illustrates procedures for the removal and installation of components that are in a detailed step-by-step fashion. Also see 90hp outboard repair manual. All Suzuki outboard manual chapters start with an assembly or systems illustration, diagrams, exploded parts view, service information and troubleshooting for the section. The subsequent pages give detailed service repair procedures.

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