Best Guide Food Inspector Entrance Test

04.02.2020by admin

This guidance represents the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) current thinking on this topic. It does not create or confer any rights for or on any person and does not operate to bind FDA or the public. You can use an alternative approach if the approach satisfies the requirements of the applicable statutes and regulations. If you want to discuss an alternative approach, contact the FDA staff responsible for implementing this guidance. If you cannot identify the appropriate FDA staff, call the appropriate telephone number listed on the title page of this guidance. Table of Contents. Worker Health and Hygiene.

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Disease Control. Cleanliness. Training.

How to wash your hands Use soap and warm running water ↓ Wet hands ↓ Apply soap ↓ Vigorously rub hands up to elbows for 20 seconds ↓ Rinse Hands ↓ Turn off running water with a paper towel, not bare hands ↓ Dry hands with a paper towel or air dry. Do not share towels Soap combined with scrubbing helps dislodge and remove dirt and germs. Training on Employee Roles and Responsibilities We recommend that employees be trained consistent with the level of complexity of their jobs and that additional training be provided as needed to ensure current knowledge of equipment and process technology. One goal of a training program is to help workers understand the importance of the tasks for which they are responsible, particularly those tasks that are important to minimizing microbial food safety hazards (such as monitoring the disinfectant level in wash water).

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We recommend that employees be trained about how to perform these tasks; to be aware of the microbial food safety hazards associated with them; to understand the procedures for monitoring conditions such as the disinfectant level, pH, and the temperature of the wash water, and any associated recordkeeping that the firm chooses to implement; to know the actions that are needed to minimize contamination of the product; and to consult with their supervisors if the established limits (such as the appropriate level of disinfectant in the wash water) are not met. We recommend that personnel responsible for maintaining equipment that may have an impact on food safety be trained to understand the importance of their role in the production of safe food. Equipment maintenance jobs that may have an impact on food safety include changing water filters, maintaining refrigeration units, treating processing water, and calibrating equipment. We recommend that employees be trained to identify deficiencies that could affect product safety, to take the appropriate corrective actions (e.g., in-house repairs, contract repairs), and to be able to understand how indirect cross-contamination may occur when proper equipment controls are not maintained. Training on Sanitation Principles and Sanitary Practices We recommend that employees with cleaning and sanitation duties be trained to understand the principles and methods required for effective cleaning and sanitation, especially as those methods relate to food safety.

We recommend that supervisors be trained to identify and promote good sanitary practices. We also recommend that employees be trained in the proper use of sanitizing agents (sanitizers) and foot foam, foot baths, or spray systems, in proper cleaning and sanitizing steps of the equipment and facility, in proper use of equipment in the production environment, such as hoses and tools, and in the proper use, handling, and storage of chemicals used in sanitation. Figure 2 is an example of an aid that could be used to train employees on the proper use of sanitizers: Figure 2. Example of a training aid on proper use of sanitizers. An Example of Product/Personnel Flow Patterns in a Fresh-cut Processing Plant Notes: This guidance has been prepared by the Division of Plant and Dairy Food Safety in the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Fresh sprouts are raw agricultural commodities and thus, their production is not governed by 21 CFR Part 110.

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FDA does, however, recommend that sprouting firms employ current good manufacturing practices. Also, FDA has published specific guidance for the production of sprouts. We recommend that producers of sprouts refer to this guidance, ' (Ref. 13) and 'Guidance for Industry: Sampling and Microbial Testing of Spent Irrigation Water During Sprout Production' (Ref. For information regarding re-washing of fresh-cut produce, California Department of Health Services Food and Drug Branch 'Recommendations from Fresh-cut Produce Re-wash Panel, April 4, 2006.' (available in ). A copy of the may be accessed on the internet.

United Fresh Produce Association:. Used with permission from the United Fresh Produce Association (UFPA), Food Safety Guidelines for the Fresh-cut Produce Industry, 4 th Edition, 2001. Also, as noted previously in section V.B.3., we recommend that employees be trained to avoid use of high-pressure water hoses to clean floors, walls, and equipment in the processing and packaging areas during production or after production equipment has been cleaned. This practice will help prevent aerosols from contacting processing equipment and food-contact surfaces, product, or packaging materials. An exception is Chapter 1 of the, which defines potentially hazardous food (PHF) and identifies specific fresh produce (among other foods) that is considered PHF and therefore requires refrigeration at 41°F. Cut melons are considered a PHF.


More information about these and other microbiological pathogens can be found in. For additional information, FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have developed a Listeria Action Plan (Ref. 18) and a Listeria risk assessment (Ref.


Used with permission from UFPA, Food Safety Guidelines for the Fresh-cut Produce Industry, 4 th Edition, 2001. The above guidance supercedes the previous version issued March 2007.

Federal Register Notice of Availability February 25, 2008.