Forscom Arms Guide 2017

18.12.2019by admin
  1. Forscom Arms Guide 2017
  2. Forscom Arms Guide 2017

See list. Website Commanders GEN SMA Insignia (1956–present) Logo (2001–present) Seal of the U.S. Department of the Army Field flag (1962–present) The United States Army ( USA) is the service branch of the. It is one of the seven, and is designated as the in the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 2, Clause 1 and United States Code, Title 10, Subtitle B, Chapter 301, Section 3001. As the oldest and most senior branch of the U.S. Military in order of precedence, the modern U.S. Army has its roots in the, which was formed (14 June 1775) to fight the (1775–1783)—before the United States of America was established as a country.

After the Revolutionary War, the created the United States Army on 3 June 1784 to replace the disbanded Continental Army. The United States Army considers itself descended from the Continental Army, and dates its institutional inception from the origin of that armed force in 1775. As a uniformed, the U.S. Army is part of the, which is one of the three military departments of the.

Army is headed by a civilian senior appointed civil servant, the (SECARMY) and by a chief, the (CSA) who is also a member of the. It is the largest military branch, and in the 2017, the projected end strength for the (USA) was 476,000; the (ARNG) had 343,000 soldiers and the (USAR) had 199,000 soldiers; the combined-component strength of the U.S. Army was 1,018,000 soldiers. As a branch of the armed forces, the mission of the U.S. Army is 'to fight and win our Nation's wars, by providing prompt, sustained, land dominance, across the full range of military operations and the spectrum of conflict, in support of combatant commanders'.

The branch participates in conflicts worldwide and is the major ground-based offensive and defensive force of the. Contents. Mission The United States Army serves as the land-based branch of the. Defines the purpose of the army as:. Preserving the peace and security and providing for the defense of the United States, the Commonwealths and possessions and any areas occupied by the United States.

Supporting the national policies. Implementing the national objectives.

Overcoming any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of the United States History. Storming of Redoubt No. 10 in the during the prompted the British government to begin negotiations, resulting in the and British recognition of the United States of America The was created on 14 June 1775 by the as a unified army for the colonies to fight, with appointed as its commander. The army was initially led by men who had served in the or colonial militias and who brought much of British military heritage with them. As the Revolutionary War progressed, aid, resources and military thinking influenced the new army.

A number of European soldiers came on their own to help, such as, who taught tactics and organizational skills. The army fought numerous pitched battles and in the South in 1780–1781, sometimes used the and, hitting where the British were weakest to wear down their forces. Washington led victories against the British at and, but lost a series of battles in the in 1776 and the in 1777. With a decisive victory at and the help of the French, the Continental Army prevailed against the British.

After the war, the Continental Army was quickly given land certificates and disbanded in a reflection of the distrust of standing armies. State militias became the new nation's sole ground army, with the exception of to guard the and one battery of artillery guarding 's arsenal. However, because of continuing conflict with, it was soon realized that it was necessary to field a trained standing army. The was at first very small and after General at the Battle of the Wabash, the Regular Army was reorganized as the, which was established in 1791 and renamed the United States Army in 1796. 19th century Early wars on the Frontier. General stands on the parapet of his makeshift defenses as his troops repulse attacking during the, the final major and most one-sided battle of the War of 1812 The, the second and last war between the United States and Great Britain, had mixed results.

Army did not conquer Canada but it did destroy Native American resistance to expansion in the and it validated its independence by stopping two major British invasions in 1814 and 1815. After in 1813, the U.S. Army seized parts of western Upper Canada, and, which caused his to collapse.

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Following U.S. Victories in the Canadian province of Upper Canada, British troops who had dubbed the U.S. Army 'Regulars, by God!' , were able to capture and, which was defended by militia, in 1814. The regular army, however proved they were professional and capable of defeating the British army during the and, prompting British agreement on the previously rejected terms of a ante bellum. Two weeks after a treaty was signed (but not ratified), defeated the British in the and, and became a national hero.

Troops and sailors, and in the final engagements of the war. Per the treaty, both sides (the United States and Great Britain) returned to the geographical status quo. Both navies kept the warships they had seized during the conflict.

The army's major campaign against the Indians was fought in against Seminoles. It took long wars (1818–1858) to finally defeat the Seminoles and move them to Oklahoma. The usual strategy in Indian wars was to seize control of the Indians' winter food supply, but that was no use in Florida where there was no winter. The second strategy was to form alliances with other Indian tribes, but that too was useless because the Seminoles had destroyed all the other Indians when they entered Florida in the late eighteenth century. Army fought and won the (1846–1848), which was a defining event for both countries.

Victory resulted in acquisition of territory that eventually became all or parts of the states of, and. American Civil War.

The, the turning point of the American Civil War The was the costliest war for the U.S. In terms of casualties. After most, located in the southern U.S., formed the, the, led by former U.S. Army officers, mobilized a large fraction of Southern white manpower. Forces of the United States (the 'Union' or 'the North') formed the, consisting of a small body of regular army units and a large body of volunteer units raised from every state, north and south, except. For the first two years Confederate forces did well in set battles but lost control of the border states. The Confederates had the advantage of defending a large territory in an area where disease caused twice as many deaths as combat.

The Union pursued a strategy of seizing the coastline, blockading the ports, and taking control of the river systems. By 1863, the Confederacy was being strangled. Its eastern armies fought well, but the western armies were defeated one after another until the Union forces captured New Orleans in 1862 along with the Tennessee River. In the of 1862–1863, General seized the and cut off the Southwest. Grant took command of Union forces in 1864 and after a series of battles with very heavy casualties, he had General under siege in Richmond as General captured Atlanta and marched through Georgia and.

The Confederate capital was abandoned in April 1865 and Lee subsequently surrendered his army at Appomattox Court House. All other Confederate armies surrendered within a few months.

The war remains the deadliest conflict in U.S. History, resulting in the deaths of 620,000 men on both sides. Based on 1860 census figures, 8% of all white males aged 13 to 43 died in the war, including 6.4% in and 18% in.

Later 19th century. For a list of campaigns see The as an 'Associated Power' in 1917 on the side of, and the other. Troops were sent to the and were involved in the last offensives that ended the war. With the armistice in November 1918, the army once again decreased its forces. In 1939, estimates of the Army's strength range between 174,000 and 200,000 soldiers, smaller than that of 's, which ranked it 17th or 19th in the world in size. General became Army Chief of Staff in September 1939 and set about expanding and modernizing the Army in preparation for war. Soldiers hunt Japanese infiltrators during the The United States joined in December 1941 after the.

Army troops formed a significant portion of the forces that captured and and later fought in. On 6 June 1944 and in the subsequent and defeat of, millions of U.S. Army troops played a central role. Army soldiers participated alongside the in capturing the from Japanese control. Following the surrenders in May (Germany) and August (Japan) of 1945, army troops were deployed to Japan and Germany to occupy the two defeated nations. Two years after World War II, the separated from the army to become the in September 1947.

In 1948, the army was by of President. Cold War 1945–1960. Army soldiers look on an atomic bomb test of at the during the. The end of World War II set the stage for the East–West confrontation known as the. With the outbreak of the, concerns over the defense of Western Europe rose. Two corps, and, were reactivated under in 1950 and U.S. Strength in Europe rose from one division to four.

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. Troops remained stationed in West Germany, with others in, the and the, until the 1990s in anticipation of a possible attack.: minute 9:00-10:00 During the Cold War, U.S. Troops and their allies fought forces in Korea and.

The Korean War began in 1950, when the Soviets walked out of a U.N. Security Council meeting, removing their possible veto. Under a umbrella, hundreds of thousands of U.S. Troops fought to prevent the takeover of by and later to invade the northern nation. After repeated advances and retreats by both sides and the Chinese 's entry into the war, the returned the peninsula to the status quo in 1953. 1960–1970 The is often regarded as a low point for the U.S.

Army due to the use of, the unpopularity of the war with the U.S. Public and frustrating restrictions placed on the military by U.S. Political leaders. Forces had been stationed in since 1959, in intelligence and advising/training roles, they were not deployed in large numbers until 1965, after the. Forces effectively established and maintained control of the 'traditional' battlefield, but they struggled to counter the hit and run tactics of the communist and the. On a tactical level, U.S. Soldiers (and the U.S.

Military as a whole) did not lose a sizable battle. Army infantry patrol moves up to assault the last position at Dak To, South Vietnam during Operation Hawthorne During the 1960s, the Department of Defense continued to scrutinize the reserve forces and to question the number of divisions and brigades as well as the redundancy of maintaining two reserve components, the and the. In 1967, Secretary of Defense decided that 15 combat divisions in the Army National Guard were unnecessary and cut the number to eight divisions (one mechanized infantry, two armored, and five infantry), but increased the number of brigades from seven to 18 (one airborne, one armored, two mechanized infantry and 14 infantry). The loss of the divisions did not sit well with the states. Their objections included the inadequate maneuver element mix for those that remained and the end to the practice of rotating divisional commands among the states that supported them. Under the proposal, the remaining division commanders were to reside in the state of the division base.

However, no reduction in total Army National Guard strength was to take place, which convinced the governors to accept the plan. The states reorganized their forces accordingly between 1 December 1967 and 1 May 1968.

1970–1990. Army soldiers prepare to take La Comandancia in the El Chorrillo neighborhood of during the The Total Force Policy was adopted by Chief of Staff of the Army General in the aftermath of the Vietnam War and involves treating the three components of the army – the, the and the as a single force.

Believing that no U.S. President should be able to take the United States (and more specifically the U.S. Army) to war without the support of the U.S. People, General Abrams intertwined the structure of the three components of the army in such a way as to make extended operations impossible, without the involvement of both the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve. The 1980s was mostly a decade of reorganization. The army converted to an all-volunteer force with greater emphasis on training and technology.

The of 1986 created bringing the army together with the other four under unified, geographically organized command structures. The army also played a role in the invasions of in 1983 and in 1989. By 1989 and the Cold War was coming to a close. Army leadership reacted by starting to plan for a reduction in strength. By November 1989 Pentagon briefers were laying out plans to reduce army end strength by 23%, from 750,000 to 580,000. A number of incentives such as early retirement were used. Move out before the during the In 1990, its smaller neighbor, and U.S.

Land forces quickly deployed to assure the protection of. In January 1991 commenced, a U.S.-led coalition which deployed over 500,000 troops, the bulk of them from U.S. Army formations, to. The campaign ended in total victory, as Western coalition forces routed the.

Some of the largest tank battles in history were fought during the Gulf war. The, and the were tank battles of historical significance. After Operation Desert Storm, the army did not see major combat operations for the remainder of the 1990s but did participate in a number of peacekeeping activities. In 1990 the Department of Defense issued guidance for 'rebalancing' after a review of the Total Force Policy, but in 2004, scholars concluded the guidance would reverse the Total Force Policy which is an 'essential ingredient to the successful application of military force.' 21st century. Army Rangers take part in a raid during operation in Nahr-e Saraj, Afghanistan On 11 September 2001, 53 Army civilians (47 employees and six contractors) and 22 soldiers were among the 125 victims killed in in a when commandeered by five slammed into the western side of the building, as part of the. Was the highest-ranking military official killed at the Pentagon and the most senior U.S.

Army officer killed by foreign action since the death of Lieutenant General on 18 June 1945 in the during World War II. Army soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, return fire during a firefight with Taliban forces in Barawala Kalay Valley in Kunar province, Afghanistan, March 2011 In response to the 11 September attacks and as part of the, U.S. And forces in October 2001, displacing the government. Army also led the combined U.S.

And allied in 2003. It served as the primary source for ground forces with its ability to sustain short and long-term deployment operations. In the following years, the mission changed from conflict between regular militaries to, resulting in the deaths of more than 4,000 U.S. Service members (as of March 2008) and injuries to thousands more.

23,813 insurgents were killed in Iraq between 2003–2011. Until 2009, the army's chief modernization plan, its most ambitious since World War II, was the. In 2009, many systems were canceled and the remaining were swept into the. In response to, the army is planned to shrink to a size not seen since the World War II buildup. From 2016 to 2017, the army retired hundreds of observation helicopters without an adequate successor. The 2015 expenditure for Army research, development and acquisition changed from $32 billion projected in 2012 for FY15 to $21 billion for FY15 expected in 2014. By 2017, the Brigade Modernization project was completed and its headquarters, the Brigade Modernization Command, was renamed the Joint Modernization Command, or JMC, to reflect its evolving mission at TRADOC.

(TRADOC is the Army Command whose mission is to define the architecture and organization of the Army, to train and supply soldiers to FORSCOM and to design hardware, as well as to define materiel for AMC).: minutes 2:30-15:00 Organization. General officers, World War II, Europe The task of organizing the U.S. Army commenced in 1775. In the first one hundred years of its existence, the United States Army was maintained as a small peacetime force to man permanent and perform other non-wartime duties such as and construction works. During times of war, the U.S. Army was augmented by the much larger which were raised independently by various state governments. States also maintained full-time which could also be called into the service of the army.

By the twentieth century, the U.S. Army had mobilized the U.S. Volunteers on four separate occasions during each of the major wars of the nineteenth century. During World War I, the ' was organized to fight the conflict, replacing the concept of U.S. It was demobilized at the end of World War I, and was replaced by the Regular Army, the Organized Reserve Corps and the State Militias.

In the 1920s and 1930s, the 'career' soldiers were known as the ' with the 'Enlisted Reserve Corps' and 'Officer Reserve Corps' augmented to fill vacancies when needed. In 1941, the ' was founded to fight World War II. The Regular Army, Army of the United States, the National Guard and Officer/Enlisted Reserve Corps (ORC and ERC) existed simultaneously.

After World War II, the ORC and ERC were combined into the. The Army of the United States was re-established for the and and was demobilized upon the suspension of the. Currently, the Army is divided into the, the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard. Some states further maintain, as a type of reserve to the National Guard, while all states maintain regulations for. State militias are both 'organized', meaning that they are armed forces usually part of the state defense forces, or 'unorganized' simply meaning that all able bodied males may be eligible to be called into military service. The unorganized militia has never been activated in the history of the United States, and by law this would only be done in the event of an extreme national emergency, such as a.

Army is also divided into. Branches include officers, warrant officers, and enlisted Soldiers while functional areas consist of officers who are reclassified from their former branch into a functional area. However, officers continue to wear the of their former branch in most cases, as functional areas do not generally have discrete insignia.

Some branches, such as Special Forces, operate similarly to functional areas in that individuals may not join their ranks until having served in another Army branch. Before 1903, members of the National Guard were considered state soldiers unless federalized (i.e., activated) by the President. Since the, all National Guard soldiers have held dual status: as National Guardsmen under the authority of the governor of their state or territory and when activated as a reserve of the U.S. Army under the authority of the President. Since the adoption of the total force policy, in the aftermath of the Vietnam War, reserve component soldiers have taken a more active role in U.S.

Military operations. For example, Reserve and Guard units took part in the, peacekeeping in, Afghanistan and the. Army commands and army service component commands (HQDA): Army Commands Current commander Location of headquarters (FORSCOM) GEN, (AFC) TBD, (AMC) GEN, (TRADOC) GEN, Army Service Component Commands Current commander Location of headquarters (USARAF)//United States Army Southern European Task Force BG Eugene J. LeBoeuf (acting), (ARCENT)/ LTG Michael X. Garrett, (USAREUR)/ (U.S.) LTG, (ARNORTH)/ LTG Jeffrey S. Buchanan, (USARPAC) GEN, (ARSOUTH)/ MG Clarence K.K. Chinn Joint Base San Antonio, Texas (SDDC) MG Kurt J.

Ryan, (ARCYBER) LTG Paul Nakasone, /United States Army Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT) LTG James H. Dickinson, (USASOC) LTG Fort Bragg, North Carolina Operational Force Headquarters Current commander Location of headquarters (EUSA) LTG Thomas S. Vandal, Direct reporting units Current commander Location of headquarters Jack E. Lechner United States Army Marketing and Engagement Brigade (USAMEB) COL Brian M. Cavanaugh, (USASC) Craig A. Spisak Fort Belvoir, Virginia United States Army Civilian Human Resources Agency (CHRA) Barbara P. Panther (USACE) LTG Todd T.

Semonite (USACIDC) MG Mark S. Inch United States Army Financial Management Command (USAFMC) BG David C. Coburn (HRC) MG Jason T. Evans (IMCOM) LTG Kenneth R.

Dahl, (INSCOM) MG Christopher S. Ballard Fort Belvoir, Virginia (MEDCOM) LTG Joint Base San Antonio, Texas (MDW) MG Michael L. Howard, (USAREC) MG Jeffrey J. Snow Fort Knox, Kentucky (ATEC) MG Peter D. Utley (AWC) MG John S.

Kem (USMA) LTG Source: U.S. Army organization Structure.

Soldiers from the taking up positions on a street corner during a foot patrol in Ramadi, Iraq The U.S. Army is made up of three components: the active component, the Regular Army; and two reserve components, the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve. Both reserve components are primarily composed of part-time soldiers who train once a month – known as or unit training assemblies (UTAs) – and conduct two to three weeks of annual training each year. Both the Regular Army and the Army Reserve are organized under of the, while the National Guard is organized under. While the Army National Guard is organized, trained and equipped as a component of the U.S. Army, when it is not in federal service it is under the command of individual state and territorial governors.

However, the District of Columbia National Guard reports to the U.S. President, not the district's mayor, even when not federalized. Any or all of the can be federalized by presidential order and against the governor's wishes. Army is led by a civilian, who has the statutory authority to conduct all the affairs of the army under the authority, direction and control of the. The, who is the highest-ranked military officer in the army, serves as the principal military adviser and executive agent for the Secretary of the Army, i.e., its service chief; and as a member of the, a body composed of the service chiefs from each of the four military services belonging to the Department of Defense who advise the, the Secretary of Defense and the on operational military matters, under the guidance of the and.

In 1986, the mandated that operational control of the services follows a chain of command from the President to the Secretary of Defense directly to the, who have control of all armed forces units in their geographic or function area of responsibility, thus the secretaries of the military departments (and their respective service chiefs underneath them) only have the responsibility to organize, train and equip their service components. The army provides trained forces to the combatant commanders for use as directed by the Secretary of Defense. Soldiers from the patrol a field in the Gulistan district of Farah, Afghanistan The army also transformed its base unit from to. Division lineage will be retained, but the divisional headquarters will be able to command any brigade, not just brigades that carry their divisional lineage. The central part of this plan is that each brigade will be modular, i.e., all brigades of the same type will be exactly the same and thus any brigade can be commanded by any division. As specified before the 2013 end-strength re-definitions, the three major types of ground combat brigades are:. brigades, with strength of 4,743 troops as of 2014.

brigades, with strength of 4,500 troops as of 2014. brigades, with strength of 4,413 troops as of 2014. In addition, there are combat support and service support modular brigades. Combat support brigades include (CAB) brigades, which will come in heavy and light varieties, (artillery) brigades (now transforms to division artillery) and brigades. Brigades include brigades and come in several varieties and serve the standard support role in an army. Combat maneuver organizations To track the effects of the 2018 budget cuts, see The U.S.

Army currently consists of 10 active divisions and one deployable division headquarters (7th Infantry Division) as well as several independent units. The force is in the process of contracting after several years of.

In June 2013, the Army announced plans to downsize to 32 active combat brigade teams by 2015 to match a reduction in active duty strength to 490,000 soldiers. Army Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno projected that the Army was to shrink to '450,000 in the active component, 335,000 in the National Guard and 195,000 in U.S. Army Reserve' by 2018. However, this plan was scrapped by the new administration and now the Army plans to grow by 16,000 soldiers to a total of 476,000 by October 2017. The National Guard and the Army Reserve will see a smaller expansion. Within the Army National Guard and United States Army Reserve there are a further 8 divisions, over 15 maneuver brigades, additional combat support and combat service support brigades and independent cavalry, infantry, artillery, aviation, engineer and support battalions. The Army Reserve in particular provides virtually all psychological operations and civil affairs units.

(FORSCOM) Direct reporting units Current commander Location of headquarters LTG, LTG, LTG, (FUSA) LTG, (USARC) LTG Charles D. Luckey Fort Bragg, North Carolina Combat maneuver units aligned under FORSCOM Name Headquarters Subunits Subordinate to. Fort Bragg, North Carolina The 1st SFC(A) manages seven special forces groups (theand (ARNG)) that are trained for, and missions.

The command also manages two military information support groups (the and ) that are trained to conduct; the that enables military commanders and to improve relationships with various stakeholders via five operational battalions ( 91st CA BN, 92nd CA BN, and ); and the that provides combat service support and combat health support units via a; the, an ARSOF Support Operations Cell, six ARSOF Liaison Elements; and two Medical Role II teams. The command also has an organic Military Intelligence Battalion providing multi-source intelligence information and analysis. Main article: There are several paths to becoming a commissioned officer including the, and. Regardless of which road an officer takes, the insignia are the same. Certain professions including physicians, pharmacists, nurses, lawyers and chaplains are commissioned directly into the army and are designated by insignia unique to their staff community. Most army commissioned officers are promoted based on an 'up or out' system.

The of 1980 establishes rules for timing of promotions and limits the number of officers that can serve at any given time. Army regulations call for addressing all personnel with the rank of general as 'General (last name)' regardless of the number of stars. Likewise, both colonels and lieutenant colonels are addressed as 'Colonel (last name)' and first and second lieutenants as 'Lieutenant (last name)'.

O-1 O-2 O-3 O-4 O-5 O-6 O-7 O-8 O-9 O-10 O-11 Insignia Title Abbreviation 2LT 1LT CPT MAJ LTC COL BG MG LTG GEN GA OF-1 OF-2 OF-3 OF-4 OF-5 OF-6 OF-7 OF-8 OF-9 OF-10 Note: General of the Army is reserved for wartime. Warrant officers. Main article: Warrant officers are single track, specialty officers with subject matter expertise in a particular area. They are initially appointed as warrant officers (in the rank of WO1) by the, but receive their upon promotion to chief warrant officer two (CW2). By regulation, warrant officers are addressed as 'Mr.

(last name)' or 'Ms. (last name)' by senior officers and as 'sir' or 'ma'am' by all enlisted personnel. However, many personnel address warrant officers as 'Chief (last name)' within their units regardless of rank.

W-1 W-2 W-3 W-4 W-5 Insignia Title Abbreviation WO1 CW2 CW3 CW4 CW5 WO-1 WO-2 WO-3 WO-4 WO-5 Enlisted personnel. Main article: Sergeants and corporals are referred to as NCOs, short for.

This distinguishes corporals from the more numerous specialists who have the same pay grade, but do not exercise leadership responsibilities. Privates (E1 and E2) and privates first class (E3) are addressed as 'Private (last name)', specialists as 'Specialist (last name)', corporals as 'Corporal (last name)' and sergeants, staff sergeants, sergeants first class and master sergeants all as 'Sergeant (last name)'. First sergeants are addressed as 'First Sergeant (last name)' and sergeants major and command sergeants major are addressed as 'Sergeant Major (last name)'. E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 Insignia No insignia Title Abbreviation PV1 ¹ PV2 ¹ PFC SPC ² CPL SGT SSG SFC MSG 1SG SGM CSM SMA OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 OR-4 OR-4 OR-5 OR-6 OR-7 OR-8 OR-8 OR-9 OR-9 OR-9 ¹ PVT is also used as an abbreviation for both private ranks when pay grade need not be distinguished. ² SP4 is sometimes encountered instead of SPC for specialist.

This is a holdover from when there were additional specialist ranks at pay grades E-5 to E-7. Training. A trainer with Company A, 1st Battalion 502nd Infantry Regiment, Task Force Strike, assists Iraqi army ranger students during a room clearing drill at Camp Taji, Iraq on 18 July 2016 Training in the U.S. Army is generally divided into two categories – individual and collective. Consists of 10 weeks for most recruits followed by Advanced Individualized Training (AIT) where they receive training for their. Some individuals MOSs range anywhere from 14–20 weeks of One Station Unit Training (OSUT), which combines Basic Training and AIT. The length of AIT school varies by the MOS The length of time spent in AIT depends on the MOS of the soldier and some highly technical MOS training may require many months (e.g., foreign language translators).

Depending on the needs of the army, for combat arms soldiers is conducted at a number of locations, but two of the longest-running are the Armor School and the, both at, Georgia. Following their basic and advanced training at the individual-level, soldiers may choose to continue their training and apply for an 'additional skill identifier' (ASI). The ASI allows the army to take a wide-ranging MOS and focus it into a more specific MOS. For example, a combat medic, whose duties are to provide pre-hospital emergency treatment, may receive ASI training to become a cardiovascular specialist, a dialysis specialist or even a licensed practical nurse. For commissioned officers, training includes pre-commissioning training, known as Basic Officer Leader Course A, either at or via, or by completing.

After commissioning, officers undergo branch specific training at the Basic Officer Leaders Course B, (formerly called Officer Basic Course), which varies in time and location according to their future assignments. Officers will continue to attend standardized training at different stages of their career.

Army soldiers familiarizing with the latest INSAS 1B1 during exercise Yudh Abhyas 2015 Collective training at the unit level takes place at the unit's assigned station, but the most intensive training at higher echelons is conducted at the three combat training centers (CTC); the (NTC) at, California, the (JRTC) at, Louisiana and the (JMRC) at the in, Germany. Is the Army Force Generation process approved in 2006 to meet the need to continuously replenish forces for deployment, at unit level and for other echelons as required by the mission. Individual-level replenishment still requires training at a unit level, which is conducted at the continental U.S. (CONUS) replacement center (CRC) at, in New Mexico and Texas before their individual deployment. Equipment. System used by the army for ballistic missile protection Individual weapons The army employs various individual weapons to provide light firepower at short ranges.

The most common weapons used by the army are the compact variant of the, known as the, as well as the 7.62×51mm variant of the for. The primary sidearm in the U.S. Army is the 9 mm; the is also used. Both handguns are to be replaced by the through the program.

Soldiers are also equipped with various, such as the and. Many units are supplemented with a variety of specialized weapons, including the (Squad Automatic Weapon), to provide suppressive fire at the squad level. Indirect fire is provided by the.

The or the are used for and close-quarters combat. The is used by designated marksmen. Snipers use the, the and the.

Soldiers manning an in Iraq Crew served weapons The army employs various crew-served weapons to provide heavy firepower at ranges exceeding that of individual weapons. The is the U.S. Army's standard Medium Machine Gun. The is generally used as a vehicle-mounted machine gun.

In the same way, the 40 mm is mainly used by motorized units. Army uses three types of for indirect fire support when heavier artillery may not be appropriate or available. The smallest of these is the 60 mm, normally assigned at the infantry company level. At the next higher echelon, infantry battalions are typically supported by a section of 81 mm. The largest mortar in the army's inventory is the 120 mm, usually employed by mechanized units. Fire support for light infantry units is provided by towed howitzers, including the 105 mm and the 155 mm (which will replace the ).

Army utilizes a variety of direct-fire rockets and missiles to provide infantry with an Anti-Armor Capability. The is an unguided projectile that can destroy armor and bunkers at ranges up to 500 meters. The is a shoulder-launched, heat seeking anti-aircraft missile. The and are anti-tank guided missiles. Vehicles. A US soldier on patrol with the support of a vehicle U.S.

Army doctrine puts a premium on mechanized warfare. It fields the highest vehicle-to-soldier ratio in the world as of 2009. The army's most common vehicle is the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), commonly called the, which is capable of serving as a cargo/troop carrier, weapons platform and ambulance, among many other roles.

While they operate a wide variety of combat support vehicles, one of the most common types centers on the family of vehicles. The is the army's, while the is the standard. Other vehicles include the, the and multiple types of (MRAP) vehicles.

Army's principal weapons are the self-propelled howitzer and the (MLRS), both mounted on tracked platforms and assigned to heavy mechanized units. While the operates a few, it mainly operates several types of rotary-wing aircraft. These include the, the utility tactical transport helicopter and the heavy-lift transport helicopter.

Restructuring plans call for reduction of 750 aircraft and from 7 to 4 types. Under the, the Army agreed to limit its fixed-wing aviation role to administrative mission support (light unarmed aircraft which cannot operate from forward positions). For, the Army is deploying at least one company of drone to each Active Army division. Uniforms.

An element of the, wearing ASUs, representing the United States at the 2010 Victory Day commemoration in The standard garrison service uniform is the, which functions as both a garrison uniform (when worn with a white shirt and necktie) and a dress uniform (when worn with a white shirt and either a necktie for parades or a bow tie for after six p.m. Or black tie events).

Berets The U.S. Army's black beret is no longer worn with the new ACU for garrison duty, having been permanently replaced with the patrol cap. After years of complaints that it was not suited well for most work conditions, Army Chief of Staff General Martin Dempsey eliminated it for wear with the ACU in June 2011. Soldiers still wear berets who are currently in a unit in jump status, whether the wearer is parachute-qualified or not (maroon beret), while members of (SFABs) wear brown berets.

Members of the 75th Ranger Regiment and the Airborne and Ranger Training Brigade (tan beret) and Special Forces (rifle green beret) may wear it with the Army Service Uniform for non-ceremonial functions. Unit commanders may still direct the wear of patrol caps in these units in training environments or motor pools. Tents The Army has relied heavily on to provide the various facilities needed while on deployment. The most common tent uses for the military are as temporary (sleeping quarters), buildings (dining facilities), forward operating bases (FOBs), after action review (AAR), tactical operations center (TOC), morale, welfare and recreation (MWR) facilities, as well as security checkpoints. Furthermore, most of these tents are set up and operated through the support of. Army is beginning to use a more modern tent called the or DRASH. In 2008, became part of the Army's Standard Integrated Command Post System.

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Further reading. Main article:. US Army Center of Military History. Retrieved 26 December 2014. Bailey, Beth. America's Army: Making the All-Volunteer Force (2009). Bluhm, Jr, Raymond K.

(Editor-in-Chief); Andrade, Dale; Jacobs, Bruce; Langellier, John; Newell, Clayton R.; Seelinger, Matthew (2004). Army: A Complete History (Beaux Arts ed.). Arlington, VA: The Army Historical Foundation. CS1 maint: Multiple names: authors list. Chambers, John Whiteclay, ed. The Oxford Guide to American Military History (1999) online at many libraries.

Clark, J. Preparing for War: The Emergence of the Modern U.S. Army, 1815–1917 (Harvard UP, 2017) 336 pp. Coffman, Edward M. The War to End All Wars: The American Military Experience in World War I (1998), a standard history.

Kretchik, Walter E. Army Doctrine: From the American Revolution to the War on Terror (University Press of Kansas; 2011) 392 pages; studies military doctrine in four distinct eras: 1779–1904, 1905–1944, 1944–1962, and 1962 to the present. Woodward, David R. The American Army and the First World War (Cambridge University Press, 2014). External links.

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