Fourth Step Alanon Guide

23.12.2019by admin

4th Step Worksheets Guides and 12 Steps Study Work Sheets from the AA Big Book Workshops These are the Original 4th Step Guides and Work sheetsused in the Dallas B., AA Big Book 4th Step Workshops and 12 Step Study Workshops. If you get these 4th Step Worksheets anywhere else - they are likely not the originals and may have been changed or altered!:-) Dallas B., has arranged with the Alcohol Addiction Foundation (that has given us permission) to reproduce and distribute the Official 4th Step Study Guides, provided that we will keep the original work as it was - and will distribute it free - to anyone who requests it. For Integrity: By having THIS website distribute the original work - it is insured, that what he has passed on to others, will be passed on to others, and that it will not be changed, modified or diluted. These 4th Step Worksheets and A.A Fourth Study Guides are distilled right out of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous! These Step Study Guides and Worksheets have been used by thousands of AA's, NA's, Al-Anon's, OA Overeater's, CA's, GA's and other 12 Step Recovery Program Members that use the 12 Steps as instructed in the book, Alcoholics Anonymous. Get the most out of these A.A.

4th Step Work sheets! You can get the MOST out of using these 4th Step Worksheets and 4th Step Study Guides, by taking time to read the INSTRUCTIONS that go with them. Included as a download file, below. YOU CAN CHANGE. YOU CAN RECOVER.

YOU CAN GET BETTER. Your WHOLE life inside AND outside can change for the better. And, continue to get better and better and better!

You can know a level of peace, comfort, happiness and success in life (while sober) - that may have been previously unimaginable to you! There is a difference in an 'AWAKENING' and an 'understanding'. Step 12 is - 'Having had a Spiritual Awakening - as the result of these Steps' First experience the AWAKENING! (That comes from following the precise instructions in the Big Book as you take the 12 Steps) Then, seek to better understand what you experienced in the Awakening! Your Life as an alcoholic depends upon this AWAKENING.

After you're Awakened - then, you can spend the rest of your life on trying to understand it better. The purpose of taking the 12 Steps - is so that you can be happy, joyous, free and comfortable - while sober - as you go out to help other alcoholics and suffering people to find what you have found - that changed you! Step 4: 'Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.' NOTE: Scroll down this page for the links to the 5 worksheets that you can download. (About the middle of this page).

You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader for the forms. You can get this free at, for your PC, or download it and install it from Google's Play Store for your SmartPhone or Tablet. IOS users can get it from or from the Apple Apps Store. Click on the links and they will open and save or print a copy. Or, you can right click your mouse button on the link, and select 'Save Target As' to download them to your PC. 'To show other alcoholics precisely how we have recovered is the main purpose of this book.' — Forward to the First Edition of the book, Alcoholics Anonymous There is much more to life than just being physically sober.There is much more to sobriety than having the obsession for alcohol removed.Sober isn’t much fun - unless we can learn to be happy and sober.

To be happy WHILE sober requires emotional sobriety. The Fourth Step is ONE of our first action step towards PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL sobriety. We are in a process to recreate our lives. In Step 3, We made a decision to give up our old plans for living and to try A.A.’s 12 Step Plan for Living. Step Four is a fact-finding and fact-facing process. We are searching for the 'causes and conditions' of our miserable results in life! We want to uncover the truth about ourselves.

We want to discover the attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, fears, actions, behaviors, and the behavior patterns - that have been blocking us and causing us problems and causing our failure. We want to learn the exact nature our 'character defects' and what causes us to do the unacceptable things we do - so that once they are removed - we can acquire and live with new attitudes, thoughts, beliefs, actions and behaviors for our HIGHEST good, and for the HIGHEST good of those with whom we come in contact. This prepares us to live a life of purpose - where we can be in maximum fit condition to be of service to others.

And, by taking inventory and learning the exact nature of our wrongs - we will be able to recognize when we might be slipping into our old way of life - and headed for new problems, and possibly relapse. Everything contained in the Fourth Step Inventory Worksheets is directly from the book - Alcoholics Anonymous. Be sure to download ALL FIVE WORKSHEETS below: The first one is the 4th Step Guide Instructions page.

Read the instructions page first. If you have you can contact Dallas B.

In the 12 Step Forums here. Or with the website contact form — and we will be sure that he gets it! The worksheet. The There is a detailed instruction sheet that goes with the, from the workshop. Please read that instruction sheet, follow the instructions, and also read all the references in the Big Book mentioned in the instructions, and read the Big Book references on each one of the individual forms.

If someone offers you one that you can type your 4th Step Inventory in it — RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN! The Big Book SPECIFICALLY instructs us use pen and paper to do this!:-) NOTE: Is this official A.A.

What is more OFFICIAL — than The Book, Alcoholics Anonymous?:-) AA does not endorse ANYONE, not any AA member, and not even endorse an AA Groups or an AA Meetings! That would violate the 12 Traditions — Specifically in regards to Autonomy — as explained in AA Tradition Number 4.

The free “Vault” app was created by members for members as a means to enter their 4th Step Inventory information in a secure and convenient way. When complete, you can print out your inventory for use with your 5th Step. Features - 100% Vault Secure - Complete your inventory by column or row - Has Resentment, Fear, and Sexual Conduct Inventories to complete - Type or speak your answers - Easy check-box answers for “Parts of Self Affected” - Prompt lists for jogging your memory for People, Principals, and Institutions. Prompt lists and check boxes for common Principals,Institutions and Fears - 4th Step term’s definitions in Help section - “Set Daily Reminder” option using your iphones push notifications - Email inventories to yourself or sponsor securely in PDF format - Print them out in horizontal spreadsheet style for easy reading and organization - Hand write in any inventory information you want to in empty rows. “Delete All” safety feature securely wipes the info from your phone when completed - App 'auto-locks' Vault whenever app is closed or whenever iphone is left idle.

All data is secured on the iphone itself. Nothing is stored in 'the cloud' where it could be hacked. The Vault 4th Step Inventory App allows you to enter your inventory information in a logical step by step way, then saves the information in an inventory spreadsheet that is laid out much like many of the 4th Step guides that you can find on the internet (like Joe and Charlie’s). The difference is that the Vault app lets you work on your 4th step anywhere, anytime that you are free and in a safe place, NOT just when you are free at your home with your notebook.


It is Vault Code protected at all times, so whether it is on your nightstand or at the coffee shop, NO ONE can access your inventory but you. We decided (through much discussion) to minimize all instructions on HOW to do a 4th Step.

Al Anon Fourth Step Guide

As alcoholics, we had no shortage of opinions on what each of us believed were the best instructions. We decided to use the original text from the Big Book for the actual questions for you to answer, instead of rewording them as we saw some of the 4th Step 'guides' do. Your sponsor may want you to write out (with pen and paper) your 4th step. If that is the case, you may still utilize the app to collect your inventory information, then after printing it out, copy it over by hand. This app is not AA reviewed or approved. AA does not endorse or approve anything or anyone. All quotes are from the 1st edition of the Big Book.

This app was created by members for members. Thanks to their generous support this app is FREE to anyone world-wide.

Remember: Our primary purpose is to stay sober, and help another alcoholic. Thanks, Twelve Step Apps Mary Ellen Lubow I love this app!

Fourth Step Alanon Guide

There are things I find difficult about it as I’m not the techiest person! I don’t understand how to delete a typo when I come back to it and notice it the next time I come on, such as a name.

I don’t know how to erase the questions in order to have more space to write my resentment. The print is very small for me and difficult for me to read as I am a senior. The format is great and much better than handwriting all of the pertinent information. I’m very grateful to the person who developed this tool for recovery. I wish there was a way to communicate with them to gain an understanding of how to use it more appropriately for those of us who are not savvy about technology. Thank you for bringing this to all those suffering from addiction! I love this app!

There are things I find difficult about it as I’m not the techiest person! I don’t understand how to delete a typo when I come back to it and notice it the next time I come on, such as a name.

I don’t know how to erase the questions in order to have more space to write my resentment. The print is very small for me and difficult for me to read as I am a senior. The format is great and much better than handwriting all of the pertinent information. I’m very grateful to the person who developed this tool for recovery. I wish there was a way to communicate with them to gain an understanding of how to use it more appropriately for those of us who are not savvy about technology.

Thank you for bringing this to all those suffering from addiction!