Ace Personal Trainer Manual 2017

24.01.2020by admin

Is an unregulated industry. This means that your 90-year-old grandmother can be a trainer. So can the guy beside you, or even someone who just started training. All they have to do is convince someone to pay them for their services. You want to be a trainer, but you don't want to be one of those trainers. So what's the answer?

A certification, of course! After all, most gyms won't hire you without one.

If you're independent, many insurance companies won't cover you without one. It's your foot in the door. But is a certification really worth your time and money?

I would argue that it is—as long as you know both what you're getting and why. You need to go in with your eyes wide open, not just your wallet. Below, you can see a complete table of all the personal trainer certifications in the US for you to compare.

But before you check them out, absorb the following truths to make sure you get the most out of whatever certification you earn. Truth 1 Your Clients Don't Really Care About Certs Sure, a client might nod their head when you extol the benefits of your certification, but in most cases they've got nothing to base their opinion on. There are exceptions to this, of course, such as people who will come to you specifically because you've been certified in specific styles of, say,.

Ace Personal Trainer Manual Pdf

But even in these cases, clients care more about the results you can get them. 'No matter how good you are at sales and marketing, your success or failure is ultimately dependent on the results you help your clients achieve.' Don't forget that. No matter how good you are at sales and marketing, your success or failure is ultimately dependent on the results you help your clients achieve. The best personal trainers are those who have the combination of knowledge and passion to provide high-quality service.

A piece of paper doesn't give you either of these. Truth 2 Certification Doesn't Equal Qualification Trainer and author Dave Parise made a great case in his book ' that those two terms are far from equal. Let's be frank: A certification won't prepare you for training clients. In order to do a great job—not just an adequate job—you have to accumulate tons of practical and varied experience. That may sound daunting on the front end, but in reality it's no different than any other profession.

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An accountant isn't ready to take on a wide variety of cases right away. Upon graduating and getting a job, he or she ideally goes to work at a firm under the supervision of an experienced mentor. The difference is that personal trainers are usually thrown into the fire immediately when they start. There is little chance that a new trainer will be ready to train a 15-year-old guy wanting beach muscles and a 70-year-old woman with arthritic fingers and a torn ACL back-to-back on day one. I'm not dismissing your years of experience working out and reading fitness websites and magazines.

They're important. But their value is also very narrow. Up until now, your research has likely been focused upon making your workouts better and healing from your injuries.

Unless you're going to be training people exactly like yourself—which isn't likely—you'll need to work to learn new methods. In addition, you're likely so far removed from being a beginner that you've forgetten how it feels to be uncomfortable and unconfident in the gym. This point is so important it took up the entire first chapter of my book, ' So let's be clear: More important than choosing the 'best' certification is finding a place to work that has the best opportunity for growth.

This means two things. There's a manager or mentor who supports you and allows you to ask questions.

You get the opportunity to get your hands dirty and work with a variety of different clients. That's a great place to start. Just remember that it's always OK to say you don't know something, as long as you follow it up with, '. But I'm sure as hell going to find out.'

Truth 3 Your Passion Must Dictate Your Education Remember what I said above about personal training being unregulated? That doesn't just mean that anyone can be a trainer. It also means that anybody and their dog can create a certification for fitness professionals. You don't need to be a trainer for long to happen across certs that have little of value to offer. It's perfectly normal to become skeptical; in fact, I recommend it. In many cases, the best choice is to avoid expensive certifications and put your money toward books, workshops, conferences, mentorships, and internships. Some of these come with certifications, but many don't.

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'Seek out the best resources on whatever topic you're interested in, and don't be cheap when it comes to your education.' Seek out the best resources on whatever topic you're interested in, and don't be cheap when it comes to your education. If you're really planning on doing this as a career, it's OK to invest heavily in your education. Just don't worry about whether or not it has a certification tag attached to it. Truth 4 Ceus Are Opportunities, Not Just Obligations CEUs or CECs are continuing education credits.

As you'll see in, most certs require them for renewal. A major source of income for certifying bodies comes from providing training courses and materials that are preapproved for CEUs. Some of these materials are worthwhile, but many aren't, so don't get sold on the preapproved CEU tag alone. Here's what you might not know: Almost every cert allows you to petition for CEUs from outside or unsanctioned events.

This means that any event you attend or any course you take can count toward your renewal quota. All you need is a certificate of completion with the number of contact hours. You then fill out a form from your certification body. Attend a seminar because the topic is something that you want to learn about, and because you think it will help your clients. If it really will, then it's worth your time and money. Truth 5 Access To Experts Is A Real Benefit Of A Certification When I called a cert a 'foot in the door,' it may have sounded like I was saying the content of the certification itself is more or less useless. When you register for a certification, recognize that an expert has taken the time to consider the methodology, gather all appropriate research, and combine it together into a system for learning.

All of this saves you time, which is your most valuable asset. 'Simply going through the process of learning their system, and being able to pass a test proving as much, gives you a foothold in an industry that is suffering from information overload.' You don't need to agree with that person or their organization's stance on everything—no one does. Simply going through the process of learning their system, and being able to pass a test proving as much, gives you a foothold in an industry that is suffering from information overload. It's often hard to figure out what to do with what we learn. Consider this your place to start. Where you go next is up to you.


So What Is The Best Cert For Trainers? Here's where I give you the answer to the question that's been on your mind since you started this article. Unfortunately, the answer is that there is no 'best' certification. I've yet to come across any cert that truly stands out. Having spent $10,000-$15,000 on my education each year when I actively trained clients, my best recommendation is to views certs as stepping-stones for knowledge acquisition. Below is a chart comparing the major certifying bodies.

Let me be clear at the outset that I have no affiliation with any certification. I run the, an independent blog dedicated to the improvement of the fitness industry—as well as its perception in society at large—and the success of the passionate trainers. I share information about personal training because I love this industry.

The only way to offset the scary rise in obesity and health care spending is preventative care, and there's no better preventative care than exercise. Make it your life, educate yourself, and make a difference! Certifications Certification ACE NSCA NASM ACSM NFPT Full Name American Council on Exercise National Strength and Conditioning Association National Academy of Sports Medicine American College of Sports Medicine National Federation of Personal Trainers Website Year Established 1985 1978 1987 1954 1988 Is there a required membership? Certification NESTA ISSA NETA NCSF NCCPT Full Name National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association International Sports Sciences Association National Exercise Trainers Association National Council on Strength & Fitness National Council for Certified Personal Trainers Website Year Established 1992 1988 1977 1995 1995 Is there a required membership? Certification IFPA Cooper AFAA AAPTE NPTI Full Name International Fitness Professionals Association The Cooper Institute Aerobics & Fitness Association of America Academy of Applied Personal Training Education National Personal Training Institute Website Year Established 1994 1970 1983 1996 1997 Is there a required membership?

Certification CFES CanFit Pro CPTN CSEP Full Name Canadian Fitness Education Services Canadian Fitness Professionals Certified Personal Trainers Network Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology Website Year Established 1983 1993 1967 Is there a required membership? No Yes Yes No Membership Cost NA $89.00 $80.00 NA Length of the Training 40+ classroom hours, 20 practicum hours 2 days (on-site); online only available (4-6 weeks prep recommended) 4-day workshops; self-study 6 months to 1 year Program Cost Application Fee $126 Exam Only: Members $184 Nonmembers $273 Exam Only: Members $204.75 Nonmembers $262.50 Exam Only: $155; requries additional app fee of $35+taxes Material Cost Classroom course fees vary by location; $300-$500 on average.

Includes ACE Practice Test Questions Learn How to Quickly Solve Difficult ACE Personal Trainer Exam Questions Dear Friend, Here's a little secret about the ACE Personal Trainer Exam: the ACE Personal Trainer Exam is what we in the test preparation field call a content-driven test. While some tests are looking to see what you are ABLE to learn, the purpose of the American Council on Exercise Certified Personal Trainer Test, offered by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), is to test your understanding of what you have already learned. The goal of the ACE Personal Trainer Exam is to use a standardized testing process to create an objective assessment of a test taker's knowledge and skills. In other words, it's more about what you know than your ability to solve clever puzzles. This is good news for those who are serious about being prepared, because it boils down to a very simple strategy: You can succeed on the ACE Personal Trainer Exam by learning critical concepts on the test so that you are prepared for as many questions as possible. Repetition and thorough preparation is a process that rewards those who are serious about being prepared, which means that succeeding on the ACE Personal Trainer Exam is within the reach of virtually anyone interested in learning the material.

This is great news! It means that if you've been worried about your upcoming ACE Personal Trainer Exam, you can rest easy IF you have a good strategy for knowing what to study and how to effectively use repetition to your advantage. But it also creates another set of problems. If you tried to memorize every single possible thing you can for the ACE Personal Trainer Exam, the field of possible things to review would be so huge that you could not hope to cover everything in a reasonable time. That's why we created the Flashcards Study System for the ACE Personal Trainer Exam: we have taken all of the possible topics and reduced them down to the hundreds of concepts you must know and provided an easy-to-use learning method to guarantee success on the ACE Personal Trainer Exam. We wanted this system to be simple, effective, and fast so that you can succeed on your ACE Personal Trainer Exam with a minimum amount of time spent preparing for it. Here Are Some of the Features of Our Flashcards Study System for the ACE Personal Trainer Exam.

Ace Personal Trainer Manual 2017

Study after study has shown that repetition is the most effective form of learning, and nothing beats flash cards when it comes to making repetitive learning fun and fast. Flash cards engage more of your senses in the learning process; you compete with yourself to see if you understand the topics, and the flipping action gets you actively involved in the learning process. Our cards are printed on heavy, bright white 67 lb.