Chito Ryu Yoshukai Manual

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Tsuyoshi Chitose in Country of origin Creator Tsuyoshi Chitose Parenthood indigenous martial arts of the (, ) Chitō-ryū ( 千唐流) is a style of karate founded by Tsuyoshi Chitose ( 千歳 强直, Chitose Tsuyoshi), (1898-1984). The name of the style translates as: chi (千) - 1,000; tō (唐) - China; ryū (流) - style, school, '1,000 year old Chinese style.' The character tō (唐) refers to the of China. The style was officially founded in 1946.

Chitō-ryū is generally classified as a Japanese style because Chitose formulated and founded Chitō-ryū principally while living in,. However, some modern practitioners feel it is better categorized as an Okinawan style given that its roots and techniques are firmly grounded in and derived from traditional Okinawan Tōde (唐手). This belief is warranted since the style's founder, Tsuyoshi Chitose, received first the rank of Judan, in 1958, and then the rank of Hanshi, in 1968, from the Zen Okinawa Karate Kobudo Rengo Kai (All Okinawa Union of Karate-do and Kobu-do).

Contents. Founder Tsuyoshi Chitose ( 千歳 剛直, Chitose Tsuyoshi) (: Chinen) was born on October 18, 1898 in the town of Kumochi,. He came from a martial arts lineage—his maternal grandfather was ( 松村 宗棍). While in, Chitose grew up studying the art of ( 唐手, hand), now written 空手 ( empty hand), as well as. In 1921, he moved to mainland to study. Chitose developed Chitō-ryū using his understanding of physiology to adjust traditional techniques to make them both more effective and less detrimental to the bodies of long-term practitioners.

Chitose died in 1984 at the age of 86. Chitose created Chitō-ryū by combining the strength techniques from (see also and ), with those of. While present, the influence of is less than that of the two previously mentioned foundation styles.

Chito-ryu Yoshukai Karate

Teachers. (新垣 世璋) Chitose began his training in Tote, under Aragaki Seishō in 1905. He was seven years old and continued to train with Seisho until 1913/1914. While there is some discrepancy as to whether Chitose's first kata was Sanchin or Seisan, his book ' Kenpō Karate-dō' states that he learned Sanchin from Aragaki for seven years before being taught another. Also attributed to his training with Aragaki Seishō are the kata Unshu, Seisan, Niseishi, and possibly Shihōhai. Aragaki was also a famous weapons master, leaving behind several bo and sai kata including Aragaki-no-kun, Aragaki-no-sai and Sesoku-no-kun. One of Aragaki's most famous students was Higaonna Kanryō, a major influence of the Gōju-ryū style who was also one of Chitose's primary teachers.

(東恩納 寛量). (喜屋武 朝徳). (花城長茂). Sanda Chinen Signature aspects.

This section possibly contains. Please by the claims made and adding. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. (June 2011) Signature aspects of Chitō-ryū include an emphasis on kime ( きめ)—a contraction of the muscles in the lower part of the body to generate additional strength and stability in stances. The use of shibori ( 絞り, 'to squeeze')—twisting contraction of the muscles in a specific area (often the arms) aimed at generating strength; rapid rotational movements; and frequent use of movement off the line of attack— ( 体捌き)—at advanced levels are also important. ^ Chito-Ryu Karate (Sohonbu Office).

Archived from on January 29, 2007. Retrieved July 4, 2001. Davenport, James l. Kentucky Budokan. Retrieved June 14, 2011.

Buret, Ph.D., Andre. Calgary Chito Ryu Karate Club. Retrieved June 14, 2011. Rochester Chito-Ryu Karate. Retrieved June 14, 2011.

Higashi, Shane. Ontario Chito-ryu. Retrieved June 14, 2011. The International Budo Institute. Retrieved July 4, 2011. In 1958 O-Sensei attained the rank of Judan from Zen Okinawa Karate Kobudo Rengo Kai (The all Okinawa Karate and Weaponry association). Australia Chitokai Karate Association Inc.

Retrieved July 4, 2011. In 1968, O'Sensei attained the rank of Hanshi, the highest degree of martial arts recognition, from the All Okinawa Union of Karate-Do and Kobu-Do ( Zen Okinawa Karate Kobudo Rengo Kai).

Australia Chitokai Karate Association Inc. Retrieved March 21, 2014. Archived from on May 5, 2010. Retrieved December 1, 2010. Retrieved 22 April 2016. Retrieved 22 April 2016. Retrieved 22 April 2016.

(Digitized online by Google books). Mar 1965: 28. Retrieved 2011-06-14. Retrieved 22 April 2016. Chito Ryu Canada ICKF.

Retrieved June 14, 2011. Archived from on July 17, 2010. Retrieved December 1, 2010. Chito Ryu Association of Ontario. Retrieved June 14, 2011. Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame.


Retrieved June 14, 2011. Retrieved July 4, 2011. Chito-Ryu was introduced to Australia by Vance Prince then 4th Dan (and student of Higashi, the current honbucho in Canada) in the 1960's. The Australian Institute of Karate.

Retrieved July 4, 2011. Mike has achieved the rank of 6th Degree Black Belt and the title of Renshi (Master Teacher). Retrieved 22 April 2016. Retrieved 22 April 2016. Retrieved 22 April 2016.

Archived from on April 24, 2006. Retrieved March 26, 2006. Bibliography. Kempo Karate-dō — Universal Art of Self-Defense (拳法空手道一般の護身術) by Tsuyoshi Chitose,. The seminal textbook by the founder of Chitō-ryū Karate-dō. The Endless Quest — The Autobiography of an American Karate Pioneer by William J. External links.

Yōshūkai Also known as Yoshukan, Chito-Kai Focus Hardness Country of origin Japan Creator Mamoru Yamamoto Famous practitioners, Parenthood Ancestor arts, indigenous martial arts of the (, ) Olympic sport In 2020 olympics karate will be a sport Yoshukai ( 養秀会, Yōshūkai) karate is a branch discipline of the Japanese/, –, or 'Way of the Empty Hand.' The three (Japanese symbols) that make up the word Yoshukai literally translated mean 'Training Hall of Continued Improvement.' However, the standardized English translation is 'Striving for Excellence.' Yoshukai Karate has been featured in. Main article: Mike Foster (b. 19 April 1940) was an American serviceman stationed in 1957 at Ituzuke Air Force Base, Japan. Foster first studied, and later with Watanabe, a instructor who taught at the Itazuke Administration Annex base gym.

Watanabe felt that Foster was a promising student and suggested that he study with Mamoru Yamamoto who was then still affiliated with Tsuyoshi Chitose's. In 1964 Foster returned to Japan to test for second degree black belt and spent three weeks training at Yamamoto's dojo. He then returned to Japan in September 1964 to live and train in Yamamoto's dojo for approximately nineteen months. Foster returned to the U.S. In 1966 as 4th degree black belt and became recognized as one of the top fighters in the U.S.A. He was named the Director of the U.S.A.

Yoshukai Karate Association by Yamamoto, and in this capacity established and headed karate schools in the United States which became part of the U.S. Chito-ryu Karate Federation.

He returned to Japan on other occasions to study for a total of ten years under Yamamoto, during which time Yamamoto separated from the Chito-ryu Federation. Foster remained in the U.S. Director position until 1980 when he stepped down and founded his own Yoshukai International Karate Association. In 1989 after a lawsuit, Foster was awarded the right to use the name 'Yoshukai International Karate Association.' Foster opened his first dojo in the U.S. In the mid-sixties at, and shortly afterward established the first of several Yoshukai Karate schools associated with colleges and universities at, Florida.

From Tampa he moved to, where he kept a dojo during the early seventies. During the late seventies and eighties Foster maintained a dojo in. In the early nineties he relocated to, where he shared a hombu dojo (headquarters) for seven years with Tom Walker. Foster continued to instruct senior grades at his hombu dojo in Titusville until 2008, when he retired from active teaching due to health reasons.

Hiroyuki Koda Hiroyuki Koda (Koda Hiroyuki) (1944–1997) arrived in the United States in the fall of 1969 from, Japan. Koda was an instructor of the Yoshukan branch of the Chito-Kai under Tsuoshi Chitose, and expected to assist with the establishment of Yoshukan schools in the U.S. He located in Florida to work within dojos established by Mike Foster, and in 1971 Koda and his American wife Gwen Lisk Koda opened their first dojo in Lincoln, Illinois. The Yoshukai branch of Chito-Kai officially became Yoshukai karate in 1973.

Koda affiliated with the new U.S.A. Yoshukai style, and continued to assist with establishing and developing schools in the United States. With the assistance of Yoshukan black belt Rayburn Nichols, he moved his family to, and named his organization Mid-South Yoshukai. In 1975 Hiroyuki Koda assumed the U.S.A.

Director position vacated by Mike Foster and renamed the Mid-South Yoshukai the U.S. Yoshukai Karate Association (USYKA).

In 1982, the Koda family moved to, and in 1987 to, where Koda set up a honbu dojo (headquarters). In 1997, Koda died from pancreatic and liver cancer, and the directorship of the U.S. Yoshukai Karate Association passed on to his eldest son, David Yuki Koda. Kumite Yoshukai or sparring style is classified as full contact.

Both Mamoru Yamamoto and Mike Foster adapted the traditional Chito-ryu technique to meet the changing requirements of tournament competition, and in the sixties and seventies, this adaptation made the Yoshukai style very successful and advanced for its time. Yoshukai uses mainly forward, side and natural stances and technique that emphasizes lack of regression in movement. Outside Japan, techniques and stances are adapted from Japanese karate to fit taller Westerners with longer legs and higher hara or center of gravity.

Although Yoshukai is considered a full-contact style, students are also trained to participate in light- to medium-contact sparring within the dojo to develop strategy and control of technique. Kata Traditional or forms from Chito-ryu (and occasionally other styles) are adapted to meet the philosophy and style of Yoshuaki Karate within the various organizations of the system. Two sai Kobudo translates as 'the way of weapons.'

Yoshukai karate uses a number of Okinawan weapons which were originally farm tools converted into defensive implements. Yoshukai study includes traditional Okinawan kobudo as an extension of karate technique, and mastering the use of martial arts weapons may be required for advancing in rank. These weapons include the, and sometimes the. Yoshukai Karate organizations In the 21st Century, the Yoshukai Karate style is represented by numerous local, regional and international organizations, some of which are listed below. Yoshukai International Yoshukai (養秀会) International is the organization founded by Michael G.

Foster in 1977 and derived from Yoshukai karate. Yoshuaki International is adapted for the different body type of U.S. And European practitioners. In Mike Foster's Yoshukai International, stances and techniques were modified to incorporate Foster's ideas about weapon alignment and elimination of regression. Foster studied with Yamamoto in Japan for a period of ten years and in 1966 brought the system to the United States. In 1977 Mike Foster left Yamamoto's organization and established the Yoshukai International Karate Association. At the same time Hiroyuki Koda established the U.S.

Yoshukai Karate Association (USYKA). Foster was noted as a karate champion in the early days of his career, and after retirement from active competition, remained a premiere karate official and teacher in America. Other noted champions and officials associated with the style include Larry Pate (retired), Calvin Thomas, Mike Smith, Donnie Hair and Tracy Moorehead. Yoshukai International has dojos all over the world, including the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Germany, Latvia, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

Depending on the source, the outline of the crest patch represents a cherry blossom or possibly (八咫鏡), the sacred mirror of Japan which stands for wisdom and honesty. The three symbols that make up the word 'Yoshukai' across the top of the crest (養秀会), literally translated, mean: Training Hall of Continued Improvement. The flag in the center of the crest is the (日章旗 'sun flag') or (日の丸 'sun disc') and the kanji symbol superimposed on it (忍) is 'Nin' which stands for patience. Dojo Kun or rules are:.

1. To uphold the Dojo name. 2. To seek perfection of character. 3. To be faithful. 4.

To endeavor in all things. 5. To respect others. 6. To refrain from violent behavior Most dojos within Yoshukai International use four belt colors without stripes to recognize the standard kyu (below black belt) and dan (above black belt) ranks, although some dojo use belts with stripes to indicate the specific ranks.

Many years of disciplined study are required for belt advancement, and increase in rank is approved or denied based on specific stringent criteria judged by a panel of more highly-ranked judges. Alexandria Plumer, an American studying under Gerry Blank in Los Angeles, is the youngest female in the world to achieve black belt status in Yoshukai Karate. Now a molecular biologist, Plumer achieved her first-degree black belt in 1997 at the age of 9-years-old. Due to Mike Foster's success as a practitioner and instructor, Yoshukai International has established and maintains schools all over the world, including throughout the United States, Canada, Germany, Latvia, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Yoshukai Karate International Yoshukai Karate International was formed on June 28, 2008, due to differences in management philosophy between Mike Foster and the Yoshukai International's separately incorporated testing board. The Board continues to function as a not-for-profit corporation doing business as Yoshukai Karate International.

The Yoshukai Karate International Original Board of Directors consist of 11 Senior Instructors from YIKA. These members include President and Chairman of the Board, Michael McClernan Hachi-dan, Vice-President Robert Bush Sichi-dan, Secretary/Treasurer Wiliam 'Tiger' Moore Sichi-dan, Board Members: John Matthews Rokyu-dan, Ricky Copeland Rokyu-dan, Michael Myer Rokyu-dan, Dickie Cromwell Rokyu-dan, Christina McClernan Rokyu-dan, Lee Farrell Rokyu-dan, and Michael Mendelson Rokyu-dan, Eddie Machen Rokyu-dan. Yoshukai U.S. Yoshukai Karate is one of two main branches that grew out of Yoshukai karate in the U.S. David Koda's U.S. Yoshukai Karate Association dojos are located in the southern part of the United States (Alabama, and ) with the headquarters located in Montgomery, Alabama. In 1973, the Yoshukan branch of Chito-kai became Yoshukai Karate, an independent karate style.

The Yoshukai Karate organization grew quickly as students reached black belt status and began opening schools throughout Alabama and surrounding states. Its growth was further accelerated when several instructors from other styles transferred their entire schools to the organization. In 1975 Koda assumed directorship of United States Yoshukai schools under Mamoru Yamamoto and renamed his organization U.S. Yoshukai Karate. In 1997, after Koda died of pancreatic and liver cancer, the directorship of the U.S. Yoshukai Karate Association passed to his eldest son, David Yuki Koda, though managerial duties remained with Gwen Koda until 2000 when she passed these duties to David Koda's wife, Adrienne Koda.

Yoshukai Karate is represented by dojo in Alabama and Kentucky. World Yoshukai Karate Kobudo Organization At Katsuoh Yamamoto's request, Hiroaki Toyama and Mike Culbreth established the World Yoshukai Karate Kobudō Organization (WYKKO) in 2000 as an extension of the Japanese Yoshukai organization.

Yoshukai America, which was renamed World Yoshukai, is directly managed under the headquarters of Yoshukai Japan and its offices are located in, and. World Yoshukai is the only U.S. Organization directly administered by Yoshukai Japan.

The organization is led by the director and Hiroaki Toyama (vice president of Yoshukai) and Mike Culbreth (vice president of Yoshukai). World Yoshukai now has more than 1,000 members in more than 30 branches throughout the United States, including Florida, Alabama, Texas, Georgia, California, and. Yoshukai Karate, Canada In 1993 Sensei Mark Hepburn (shodan) and his wife Shelley (brown belt) opened a Chito Ryu dojo in Langley, British Columbia, Canada. From 1995 to 1996 Hepburn trained frequently with Sensei Nick Nibler, a 4th dan black belt with Mike Foster’s Yoshukai International Karate group in Seattle, Washington. In 1996 Hepburn attended a clinic conducted in Seattle by Sensei Mike Foster (7th dan and Founder of Yoshukai International Karate) and subsequently affiliated his dojo directly to Sensei Mike Foster. Also in 1996 Sensei Robertson of Toronto, Ontario joined Yoshukai International bringing with him several dojos in Ontario and Quebec.

Sensei Robertson left Sensei Foster’s Yoshukai International Karate in 2004 to form his own group, Yoshukan Karate. To date the highest ranked black belt for Mike Foster's Yoshukai International Karate in Canada and Canadian Head Instructor is Sensei Mark Hepburn, rokudan shihan (6th dan shihan). To this date (2016) Sensei Hepburn is the only Canadian ever to receive a shihan certificate from Sensei Mike Foster. Yoshukai Karate – Canada currently has two dojos, both in British Columbia; one in Surrey (main dojo) and the other one in the Township of Langley (Aldergrove dojo). Yoshukan Karate Association The Yoshukan Karate Association (YKA) was formed in 2004 in, ON, Canada.

The association was recognized by the National Karate Association (now ) under the auspices of Sport Canada, an arm of the Government of Canada. The YKA is led by Kancho (Director) Earl Robertson, 7th Dan, Kyoshi grade, and supported by Renshi Louise Provencher (6th Dan), Shihan Rebecca Khoury (4th Dan), Peter Bakomihalis (4th Dan), Elizabeth Gormley (4th Dan) and Sean Donahue (4th Dan). The system is an amalgamation of two primary karate systems ( Karate & Yoshukai International Karate); and also offers the study of Japanese budo arts including, and. Robertson was the Honbu-Cho (Chief Instructor) for Yoshukai International Karate in Canada from 1996–2004 and holds senior ranks in Yoshukai International Karate (6th Dan-2004, Shihan-1998) under Kaicho Mike Foster and 7th Dan, Kyoshi under Kaicho Masaru Inomoto, a direct student of Tsuyoshi Chitose. Robertson also holds a 4th Dan, Shidoin diploma directly from Tsuyoshi Chitose and a Sandan (3rd Degree Black Belt) in Ryu Kyu Kobudo Hozon Shinkokai under Devorah Dometrich and Yudansha rank in Muso Shinden Ryu Iaido. The association operates 7 dojo across Ontario and Quebec and is a member in good standing with both Karate Ontario and Karate Canada. Kancho Robertson was formerly a Vice President of the Karate Ontario Association and Vice-Chairman of the provincial technical committee.

Yoshukai Germany Mike Foster was invited by German karate pioneer Peter Trapski to conduct demonstrations in Germany in the late seventies and entered and won the Duisburg Euro-Cup competition in 1978. In the same year, Otto Rumann established the first German Yoshukai school in Dortmund, Germany, and later expanded to other cities. He now maintains his hombu dojo (headquarters) in, and directs other schools in, Berlin, and in, Germany. German Yoshukai schools fall under the leadership of Yoshukan Dortmund. Dojos are a members of Yoshukai-International Karate Association and also of the German Karate Federation. Yoshukai Latin America William 'Bill' Solano was born in 1942 in, and was raised in the U.S.

His first experience in the martial arts was in 1958 in New York City in the art of. In 1969 he began the study of in lower, N.Y. In 1972 he moved to, where he began studying Yoshukai Karate with Mike Foster. At the end of 1975, Solano returned to and established his first dojo, where he continued to practice the Yoshukai Karate style until 1981. In 1991 full directorship of the Puerto Rico Yoshukai organization was assumed by Miguel Alejandro, with schools in, and two in. In 2009 Alejandro formally established Yoshukai Latin America.

Yoshukai Australasia Tom Somerville, Neil Frazer and Warwick Lobb were instrumental in establishing Yoshukai Karate in New Zealand and later in Australia. Tom Somerville was a New Zealander who lived in the United States and trained with Mike Foster's students Charles Scanlan and Kevin Bradford in in the mid seventies.

He returned to New Zealand and in 1979 set up a dojo at the. In the early 1980s, Neil Frazer and Warwick Lobb traveled from New Zealand to New Jersey to complete their black belt training, and Neil Frazer took over running the Canterbury club with assistance from Warwick. In 1990 Dave Leathwick started a club in known as the Tokomaru Dojo, and in 2004 Darel Hall started the third New Zealand club in. Neil Frazer maintains a dojo in and continues to direct Yoshukai Australasia.

The dispersed nature of New Zealander karateka means that New Zealand Yoshukai practitioners maintain their training in, Canada, France and England. The organization operates a group to provide news and communications. Yoshukai Latvia The Neguss martial arts club was founded in by Eric Annuskans and Sergej Lukatch in autumn 1995 with specialization in karate. Sergej Lukatch is a long-time student of Shihan Otto Rumann, who lived and trained in the Yoshukai Germany Honbu Dojo in Dortmund for several years before moving to Latvia in 1995. He is now the Head-Instructor for Yoshukai-Karate in the baltic region.

Initially the Neguss martial arts club worked as an affiliate of Riga's Budo Center, but in 1997 the club affiliated with Yoshukai, historically linking with Chito-ryu. On 3 April 1999, the club was accepted into the International Yoshukai Karate Association by Mike Foster. The Yoshukai-Karate branch of Latvia is part of the European Yoshukai group under the leadership of Shihan Otto Rumann. The Neguss club continues to represent Yoshukai Karate in Latvia. References. ^ Buttitta, Bob.

Yoshukai Karate: Not for the Weak of Heart. Black Belt Magazine, May 1984, p. ^ Klase, Bill. 'Rough, Tough Yoshukai Karate: Traditional Karate's Link to Full-contact Fighting.' Black Belt Magazine, March 1988, p. ^ Baker, Timothy. 'The Weapons of Yoshukai Karate: Nunchucks, Swords, Sickles, Staffs, Sai and Bo.'

Black Belt Magazine. January 1992, p. Archived from on August 24, 2010. Retrieved July 10, 2010. Missing or empty title=.

Heinze, Thomas. Die Meister des Karate und Kobudo: Teil 1: Vor 1900. ^. Yoshukai Karate International. Retrieved 2016-03-10. Nakayama, Masatoshi.

Best Karate, Vol.5: Heian, Tekki. ^. Retrieved 2016-03-10. Retrieved 2016-03-10. Retrieved 2016-03-10. Retrieved 2016-03-10. Colling, Michael.

Dragon Times. Retrieved 9 July 2010. Retrieved 9 July 2010. Yoshukai Karate, Japan. Archived from on December 17, 2010. Retrieved 9 July 2010.

(Mike Foster, et al. United States Yoshukai Karate Association, California no. 89-D-741-N). Jones, Todd. Aikido Journal.

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Cirone, George D. 'Karate Kop-Out.' Black Belt Magazine. June 1970, p.

'New England Open Draws Top Competition.' Black Belt Magazine. October 1992, p. Archived from on May 9, 2008. Retrieved July 10, 2010. Missing or empty title=. Archived from on July 18, 2011.

Retrieved July 10, 2010. Missing or empty title=. Yoshukai Karate of Tampa Bay. Retrieved 9 July 2010. Yoshukai Karate International. Retrieved 2016-03-10.

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Chito-ryu Yoshukai

Retrieved 19 April 2012. See also.